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Everything posted by JackMcCornack

  1. I'm one of the Junior Mods on locostusa, and looking at your post here, I think the problem may be that locostusa.com's web site is a fair bit older, and less sophisticated, than usa7s.net. When I looked at image info here for a typical photo submission of yours (I used the pic with the two mag wheels) I found... 4,032px × 2,268px (scaled to 1,000px × 563px) ...where on locostusa it's just 4,032px × 2,268px, so your photos take up a little more than sixteen times the screen area on that site than they do here. It's a pretty old site, a couple decades, and that, plus locostusa not having a $20/yr membership fee, means it's not as technically sophisticated as USA7s, so much like Locost builders, LocostUSA users have to do a lot of the work themselves; in this case, shrinking their images down to a viewable size.
  2. Ouch. Is that vehicle insufficiently pursang for USA7s? Points, though, for referencing LocostUSA without saying "those people". I agree that it's posted on the wrong forum, mostly because it's £4,500.00 (about $5250 'murrican money) and it's on the wrong side of the pond. It probably would do better in a forum with "UK" in its name than "USA". And as it's only 3/4 of a Se7en, perhaps would have a place for it.
  3. Somebody has! Please let me know the details (like where and when) when they become available. And BTW and FYI, I've found owners of kitbuilt and storebought Sevenish cars very friendly to the guys who built theirs from scratch. A good crowd all around.
  4. Dan, a custom frame for you would be no problem, drop me a line via email. Are there pics of your car somewhere so I can see what your stanchions look like? The channel is 5/8" x 5/8", 1/8" web (that is, it has a 3/8" wide slot down the middle that's 1/2" deep). Go to the parts page that xcarguy linked to (two posts above this one) and click on Windshields and Radius Edge Channel, and you'll learn more than you ever wanted to know about my windshield mounting stuff.
  5. My favorite line on that ad is "The car has the ladder type frame that Lotus designed..."
  6. I've got my ferry reservations, and still haven't a clue what my car will look like in 18 days (other than it won't be streamlined).
  7. ...my thoughts are: I think it's a 400 mile drive from the ferry terminal in Port Angeles to my home in Cave Junction, and I don't think it's a trip I want to start at 9PM--nor do I want to catch an early ferry Sunday and miss the Sunday blat. Will there be anything happening on Sunday night? Are there other folks planning a Monday departure?
  8. I don't know what MAX is going to look like (the nose is having a mold made from it...it seems some other folks like the Lola look) but it'll have lights and a horn, so I'll be there. And I'm very much looking forward to it. It looks like most of my money will be going into ferry fees, so I'll be bringing a sleeping bag and a tent. Let's see, a streamlined body from the waist on back, probably clamshell fenders on the front, a sleeping bag and tent lashed to the roll bar...I'm gonna look like a one-man remake of The Beverly Hillbillies.
  9. And other countries (GB is one, if I recall correctly) mandate a convex mirror on both sides. One style must be right and one must be wrong, but flat/convex are either mandated/prohibited or prohibited/mandated depending on where you drive.
  10. So it's on for Aug 4,5,6? I don't know which body I'll have on my Kubota Locost by then, but I ought to be able to throw something on. The Lolaesque body is likely to be inside a mold-in-progress around then, but lordy knows I've got enough Se7en-style body parts around here. I think I can get to the island from the California border without any of those annoying fuel stops along the way...
  11. :-) Not hardly, in fact it makes all the sounds. It's an 1100cc Kubota three cylinder turbo, and it sounds like a backhoe. The muggles (the folks that ask "What is that?" as opposed to those who ask, "What is that, a Lotus Seven?") don't notice because it sounds like some sort of antique sports car when they're looking at it, but if you close your eyes, it's a backhoe. Nowadays it's wrapped in a mockery of a late '50s sports racer body, which made a huge performance difference (32 hp ain't much and it needs all the help it can get), but sometimes I fear I've given up its USA7S cred. I'm still not sure how much of Se7enhood is skin deep.
  12. This is an odd one, but a personal fave. It's my car MAX, with Sharon in the passenger seat holding up our scoring packet, me driving...this is the finish line photo at the Sahara, we'd just won Berkeley to Vegas. 32 horses, skinny tires, Prisoner livery, 800 miles on cooking oil mooched from customers at convenience stores. Maybe you had to have been there. Last year I put a slippery body on it. Is it still a Se7en? Hey, it's the same car, I merely gave it fresh skin. Can I still stay in the club? 'Cause if so, I have a new fave photo. PS--as you can see from my number of posts (wow, two posts already, and it's only been a little more than five years), I've been a long time lurker.
  13. I'm sort of a newbie (to this thread at least) and just yesterday heard about this gathering; I'm headed for Ohio (from Oregon) and y'all are right on the route (well, not exactly, but sufficient for blatting purposes) so I'll try to hook up in Custer SC if there's room for a weirdo Locost. And man, mine's way weirdo. It's set up for fuel efficiency (you'll note the MAX MPG license plate) and has a 32 horsepower Kubota industrial diesel under the hood. Hey, somebody has to bring up the rear, right?
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