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  1. dear me.
  2. Makes a change from everyone asking how to get a smog excemption.
  3. Greg350


  4. I don't think anyone is trying to convince him to buy what he does not want. I was just curious .
  5. ...safe for you but not the person you hit with that big rig. Dear me the 7 weighs like a pack of chips, you could get a bicycle and pull it.
  6. Is this the SV model? I notice that these are normally single tone to reduce the bulk, like fatties not wearing stripes I guess.
  7. What is the attraction that it has to be "s1 s2 lhd with all docs", these have to be rare birds anywhere, partic in US&A. I wonder how many even made it here let alone how many are still alive and kicking? I would want to buy the latest , greatest ,most driveable and liveable 7 I could afford. Is it just a collectable thing?
  8. I would say that is one of the best colour combos I have seen. I love that blue. ps, a little bit of bright trim finisher on the last bit of exhaust would really look good as everything else is pristine.
  9. Looks like your man is doing a fine job. Just one thing, and I know this is a very personal field but... when I looked at the fist pics I thought the car was still in bare ally / primer, I see now it is bright silver which is nice but a little bland IMHO, do you intend to stripe it up or graphic it at all. I know often less is more but in this case I think more would be better. Good Luck with the rest of the build.
  10. Anybody put one on the scales yet? I know its just a matter of time till some one on here starts to make it lighter weight and adding more power. Be fun to take one to the DMV when you plan to register a 7 then "park" it in the lot to see if anyone there really does have a sense of humour(which I have yet to find); after you have told them : " yes,named after the Lotus 7, it is a well know car built in the UK, but very small"........
  11. Cheers Mopho, let us know how they perform, if you get 2 are they on dif channels?
  12. I assume this is the site (it was linked to M & S via Top Gear UK). I see the price per item is now at 15.00 pounds with a shipping charge to USA of 10.00 pounds , is the shipping cost per item or per order) ? http://www.marksandspencer.com/Top-Gear-Caterham-Remote-Control/dp/B002MLBL4Y?ie=UTF8&qid=1260730552&categoryNodeID=&ref=sr_1_4&page=&node=42966030&sr=1-4&mnSBrand=core&rh=
  13. Well be careful on the roads, I notice that the drivers are not wearing seat belts.
  14. U can buy these in the USA? Are they left hand drive and smog exempt?
  15. [/url] these RC cars are on sale in the UK at Marks and Spencers for 19.00 pounds if anyone happens to be in the area.
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