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How many rides / drives did you give / receive

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I gave rides to Solder Guy (rob), Jon (Boxologist), Brian (Automobile mag photographer), my nephew. Folis, Johnny (Jalopnik), and Preston from Automobile drove my car.


I did not get any rides or drives due to lack of time. :cry:


I had promised a ride to David from Hemmings, and completely forgot before I loaded my car :banghead:. I have promised him one whenever he is in the DC/MD/VA area.


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gave 11budlite and his wife a ride friday and saturday:lol: :jester:


edit: and YES!, Mazda gave a me ride up to Deal's Gap. for 1 mile i was just smiling, the rest i was laughing and cheering like a child:hurray:

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I gave Preston (from Automobile)a ride, and then let him have a go at driving. Those who met him he is sort of a tall guy and my Old Cat is a short cockpit bench seat affair. I think there was one more but the weekend is just a blur.

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Jon gave my wife Nancy a ride back to Fontana Village on Friday night while I followed in the Mini....even following a Seven is great fun! Then it was my turn Saturday morning!! This was the first time I'd been in a Seven traveling under it's own power for many years, but the reasons for wanting one of these machines all came quickly rushing back!! Then I was lucky enough to get a ride with Russ in his Birkin for the 9am parade. I know he was eager to pick up the pace a little bit, but it was a thrill just the same!! Then Cherik offered me a ride from the Saturday group photo shoot back to Tapoco and I was happy to oblige! There was a light rain falling but we just motored on and I got to experience the wet elbow syndrome once again!! :D


Thanks once again to all!!


Bruce and Nancy


PS: hope to return the favor someday soon, and Jon, glad you made it back home!!

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Two rides.

I gave Preston Lerner (Automobile mag journalist) a ride during the parade and later Bruce W. after the photoshoot.

As Bruce mentioned, it started to rain, which could have been even more fun, except there were a couple motor bikes in front...



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We gave rides/drives to Jonny Lieberman from www.jalopnik.com , David from Hemmings and Prestom from Automobile magazines.




I think he likes it , thanks Jonny !!


Doug www.autopro-motorsport.com



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