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I converted from traditional to cycle wings. Am not sure what side marker lights to install, if at all. The car is registered as a 1967 Lutus 7, so I believe I can get away with none.


Advice and pictures appreciated!


My Caterham (with cycle fenders, pictured below) is a 2005 chassis that was assembled in 2007. It does not have side marker lights on the fenders and I had no trouble registering it in California. You didn't say what state you're in, but given that your car is registered as a 1967 Lotus 7 (and depending upon your state's regulations and inspection requirements) you may well not have any issue.



Caterham 7 ENS on bricks.jpg


I'm in Massachusetts. I'll see what happens next time I have a state inspection. The marker lights from the traditional wings would look really ugly in the cycle wings.



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