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Email notifications to Gmail not working


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Ever since becoming a member, I have not been able to receive notifications via email.  I have checked all my settings but no notifications.  I thought my email address was entered wrong.  I reentered the address and was notified to check my email for confirmation.  No confirmation email was receive.  I tried once again but no joy.  I tried a different gmail address and same thing, no confirmation.  Only when I changed to a non gmail account did I get the email confirmation.  Is there a problem with using gmail for this forum?

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You're the first to report this.  I just created a gmail account and confirmed I am seeing the same behavior.  Is anyone else seeing the same thing or are notifications to your gmail address arriving correctly?




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In general, besides checking your email accounts spam file, forwarding settings (i.e., not logging in directly to the email account) can block some traffic.


I don't do notifications and just check back from time to time.

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4 minutes ago, MV8 said:

In general, besides checking your email accounts spam file, forwarding settings (i.e., not logging in directly to the email account) can block some traffic.



Those are not the issue here based on my limited testing last night with a newly created gmail account.  I also confirmed the new account can receive an email directly from the gmail account used as the send-from address for notifications, so that address is not being blocked.  I suspect this might be related to the extra routing from mails that go through our hoster's UK servers, but the lack of consistency is odd.  Having more data points of people who are seeing this will help me do further digging on commonalities that will in turn help with any support tickets I need to open. 

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Found the problem and the fix has been made.  It now works correctly for my test account but might take up to 24 hours to fully propagate.  @TEM when you get a chance, will you please change your email address back to gmail, then send me a PM so we can test it?




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