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Formula Ford Kent Engine Parts List

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Very interesting...

I see the Kent block on the list.

I wonder if Ford restarted the re-casting of the Kent V 2.0?

Sent them an inquiry about the availability.  I was under the impression the re-cast program was done with the Kent as FF allowed Honda Fit and others, the numbers weren't there to support it.


Edited by IamScotticus
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AFAIK Ford never recast the 2 liters, but there were some others who made limited runs


I don't see 1600s available at pegasus or summit now, so maybe that run by Ford has all sold out


I heard somewhere that the industrial division at Ford was part of the push for the recasting project--think old forklifts

When they decided to do it, they made some improvements, such as better metallurgy, using the 2 liter thrust washer, and beefing up the bottom bellhousing bolt "ears"


I wonder if there will be any more produced, or if we're running out again, for the last time.

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Ford did re-cast the Kent blocks. I think they have done it several times and there have been periods they were not available. F/F in the UK is going back to the Kent engine and Honda is not supporting the Fit engine that was used in these cars. A Kent powered car won at this year's run offs. You can get the BDG (2.0) block, but it is very expensive. There are companies that are making heads and blocks for the BD Cosworth engines.  

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