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Where can I get a nose cone for a Series 2, Lotus 7?


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I've got some wonderful news. Carrabelle is a small port on the Gulf of Mexico, so we have a fiberglass repair shop that generally repairs boats that have lost in fights with solid objects. I took my "beyond repair" fenders and snout to them and asked them if they could prep for painting. "We can do that" was the answer.  Two days later they showed me the flared front fenders - smooth as glass. Gorgeous. Reinforced as needed on the back side. I'll see the rest and post some pictures soon.  I'll also tell you what it cost. 


As near as I can tell, having searched diligently, there is no source for old Sevens fenders and snouts in the US. Redline is gearing up to produce more, but a set for my S2 would push $2K with shipping. I'm really happy to have found an alternative.



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