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zetec, engine management sytems..

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Could someone point us in the correct direction?

scenario: i have a t9 with custom bellhousing..i find a used zetec out of car "X"....

I need to make the engine get gasoline and spark to run right? ok, who makes/ provides an engine management system for this setup?

yes we realize caterham and other "7" kits might have their own that come with the kits or cars..

but is their someone out there who makes engine management sytems to make these ford engine-drivetrains work in kit cars?

i have seen the quad4rods website..any other suggestions?

we could fabricate any mounting we would need, thats not an issue.

we have another opportunity knocking on our door and we would need this running drivetrain to become reality

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I think Pectel sells a "standalone" ECU unit...that is what you're looking for, right? A few of us have the T2 model controlling our Zetecs. I'm pretty sure they are referred to as "stand alone" units.


The UK folks talk a lot about the Emerald set up.

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MegaSquirt makes a very cost effective universal managment system. You can either build it yourself or buy their kit. I have absolutely no personal experience with this system but it seems to be a favorite of many people at Grassroots Motorsports magazine. I think the built kit is only a few hundred dollars and you can download a baseline program for your engine of choice.

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also depends on which zetec engine. i have been told that my electromotive Tec3 will not be com patible withe the SVT zetec variable intake setup as opposed to my lesser zx2 zetec.

toss into the list Element Tuning's Hydra, but that becomes very powerful if going forced induction. excellent O2 sensor and water injection tuning abilities.

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Being quiet niave..i am truly not sure of all i need.

I am used to putting together vintage race cars with 50 year old technology.

A simple SU or weber, and a dizzy distributor and it all works..

But the zetec can have either a weber carb OR better yet fuel injection..and something to make the spark plugs ..well..spark..

i guess i need to go back to cars 101....


But if i go to a junkyard and buy a zetec engine..it wont just run all by itself i know it will need fuel and spark.

so i need more than just a control black box..i need all the fuel and sparky hardware as well..

So..it's as if someone would give you an engine with nothing on the outside of it...

and i dont plan on sticking some 2" SU's on a zetec..


i will look through the site thus far.. this may take a few beers.:cheers:

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WOW..awesome site,,with great info and links..yeah it's all here.

glad i got a new keg worth of great lakes ale...this is going to take some reading.

thanks again everyone.

no matter what i end up with, this has all been a treasure of information..


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I have the Megasquirt (fuel only version) on my wife's 911 - and love it - it really gets the techie geek points for me and has by far the most on-line support of any of the stand-alone units mentioned here.


I have an SDS (Fuel and spark) unit on my 7- and I am happy with it as well- what it lacks in techie geek points it makes up for in the ease and simplicity of tuning. No laptop needed - just a simple gameboy sized box with an monochrome lcd display (so no squinting to read it in the sun like the laptop).

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It is critical to find a dyno shop that understands programming an ECU for a track car. Drag race programmers need not apply. When you have selected and ECU post the brand and specs of your engine and some one should be able to provide a map that can get you started.

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As i am trying to understand it all..

theres the hardware..and the ecu-with it's software.

there seems to be allot of ecu providers with diffrent software and tons of information on the ecu and software.

But,,,it's the hardware that concerns me as well.. i would imagine if you dont have all the correct, or minimal pieces parts to hook up to...the ecu would have nothing to talk with and control.

So without all the correct pieces to hook up to in the correct placement,,the ecu isnt going to do much good.

actually..even though they are not as efficient.. i could always hook up a pretty set of webers jetted correctly...

But i still need the correct sparky parts, and that seems to be a bit lacking info wise..

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I'm going through this myself right now. I just had a ZX-1 zetec rebuilt, with jenvey intake, and had to get a new ecu to use with the jenveys. I still don't know too much, but in my case they had to build a new wiring harness. Since I had a shop rebuilding the motor, I had them install the ecu, and build the harness once they found out that the original one wouldn't work well with the new ecu and sensors. The wiring harness ended up costing a fortune in labor!


At this time they still haven't figured out how to make it run! I at least know that you'll need a proper ecu (I chose the emerald), proper sensors (if you buy from emerald they can supply these), and possibly a new wiring harness (find someone who has built one for a caterham before or you'll spend a fortune).





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