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Mr Orange had a "hot date" on Sunday


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And she wore a "see through dress"




This is up at the lookout point in the canyons of Malibu which is a local meeting point on the weekends for cars and motorcycles, though turnout was light on this day, it was around 100 degrees outside.

I've nearly put a thousand miles on the car already :D



Atom and Seven cruising through the streets of Santa Monica caused quite a stir





Here is some other pics from the drive





Sexy NSX tagged along, owner said he brought a knife to a gun fight.




Tesla came to the meet point this morning. Couldn't convince him to hit the canyons though (We think he was scared he would run out of juice :lol:)





Ferrari dumping it's fluids on the ground (you can see the wet spot to the right of the car) :lol:





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You 'Fornians, and your fancy cars, nice weather, and great roads. I hate you! Teehee. Looks like fun. Just stay away from the fires, Russ

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First photo is terrific! Almost worthy of inclusion on a calendar.


1000 miles, v impressive.


I took JohnK for a ride last weekend. Tho he is building an Ultralite he'd never ridden (or even seen) a Caterham. At one stop lite he said:"Why IS that woman smiling at me?". Then, "Oh, we are in a Caterham!"

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Morgan- I think it took me a year to put 1,000 miles on the car!


Glad to see that Orange is getting its exercise....sad that it's not me giving it the workout. :ack:


I trust you were able to keep in touch with the Atom in all gears and corners...Se7ens represent!




A sad Al Navarro...

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Wow, Orange is a gorgeous car. Almost makes me want to sway from Isotope Green for my locost... almost. (Though I am considering some of the other wild greens as seen on other Lotus/Caterham models). Thanks for posting, Morgan, it gives me additional motivation to work on my car!

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I stay sane by working hard so the company I started remains solvent, networking to see how much Series 2 fenders will cost me, reviewing 2009 meet prospecti and...and gritting my teeth every time I see the car in a pic or vid...:jester:






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And she wore a "see through dress"




This is up at the lookout point in the canyons of Malibu which is a local meeting point on the weekends for cars and motorcycles, though turnout was light on this day, it was around 100 degrees outside.

I've nearly put a thousand miles on the car already :D


Ferrari dumping it's fluids on the ground (you can see the wet spot to the right of the car) :lol:





Orange put the fear of the car gods into that Ferrari as it wet it self as evidence is on the road.....LOL.:D :jester: :rofl:


Have to agree that the first photo is a good one.:thumbs:

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Have to agree that the first photo is a good one.:thumbs:


He's a professional car photographer, I'd hope his pix are good!!!! ;)


Now, who's on the case for that 2009 Cars of USA7s calendar....

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Morgan- I think it took me a year to put 1,000 miles on the car!



Well it's a easy when you have a "racetrack" in your backyard. The hard part is trying to keep from going every day, especially with gas prices now :banghead:




I live in the bottom right corner area (click to make bigger)




I trust you were able to keep in touch with the Atom in all gears and corners...Se7ens represent!




Well, I was able to keep him in my sights but he has way more seat time in the car than I do, not to mention another 100hp and the same weighthttp://www.websmileys.com/sm/crazy/686.gif

It was also public roads too




Sorry to make you sad, but trying to keep you updated on our baby ;)




Pix were taken with my point and shoot camera, was not really trying ;)

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