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Riveting the floor


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  • 2 weeks later...

Mazda, I used aluminum body rivets with steel pull pin. Made them real tight and strong and lower weight. BTW: Do you have a bunch of Clecos? I have about 50 and the tool if you need to borrow them. Add RTV as you need to seal everything and keep the panel drum down. I would also recommend adding the support washer on the end of the rivet prior to popping it in place. We could have a riveting party at your house. Between all of us, we could probably get it in place in a short amount of time. For mine, it was 3--two to hold it up in place while i inserted the Cleco's and then just two for the riveting operation(1 rivets while the other held the washer in place).

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So how much dose Franklin 7 now weigh?

Just woundering.

My car now weighs under 900lbs at the moment but it is minus the engine and trans and has to be pushed by someone if I want to go for a ride but that will be changing this weekend if all goes as planed.

New reconditioned BMC 1800cc (MGB) engine is now sitting in the shop waiting to get put into the my car.

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You can get aluminum rivets with a stainless steel insert. I am going to use them to fasten the aluminum floor to the ginetta boot. ( fastenal ) you might get yourself an air riveter...you'll be thankful for the few extra dollars you spent. you might consider some zinc chromate between..and make sure you de-bur the holes.

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well, i ended up going with Al-Al closed end rivets.


Yes, I did de-bur the holes after drilling them all, and I did use an air over hydraulic riveter.


End result:


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I take it your going to cut a hole for the drive shaft to connect to the rear diff or did you just forget it.

I know your just going to use the exhaust thrust to power your 7.......hehehe......:D :d


By the way nice job.

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