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Recon trip to the Dragon


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Mmmmm.....scrapple. Man, do I have a craving all of a sudden!




Great report, guys. I'm enjoying reading and watching.   http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/smile5.gif

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Great report, thanks Mazda and Al, for putting in the time and making the scouting trip. It surely has whet my appetite for the TOTD.


I wish I could have made it, but I had to make a choice between my daughter's wedding Friday night, and a run with you to the TOTD. I made my choice, but my wife suggested strongly that I stay home for the wedding... http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/biggrin5.gif




Did you guys get to the Fontana? I was wondering how it looked?

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Jerry, we drove to Fontana, but did not go to the lodge itself. The area looks fantastic. Running river, dam, and winding roads. You won't be disappointed. We have some more pics that we will post from the Fontana area.





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The waitress from Mrs Rowe's wants to know why you haven't posted your Scapple photo...




Al says the picture is posted in his blog at >http://www.gardenstatesevens.org/wordpress




We're 150 miles South of Winchester VA now... I should make it home around 8:30




Al will be home around 11:30.









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Al/Mazda, thanks for stopping to visit.




Al, it was nice to meet you. It's always fun to just chat with another car guy.




I really hope I will be able to make the trip in July, as I think it will be a fantastic time for all.




BTW, as far as meal payment. At every 4x4 rally I've ever been involved with, they charged a flat rate, if you made it to the meals, great, if not, too bad. It really encourages you to be a part of the group as well as greatly reduces the headaches for those in the administrative roll.





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74 hours later (32.5 of which were spent in the car!)...I'm home.




I wish I weren't so tired, because there's so much I want to write about the area, the event, and our trip. I'll try to work on that by Tues.




Thanks again to Forum members Steve, Bill, and Marcy — esp. Marcy for being a voice of reason among all the men. And especially to Mazda, for everything.




Good night.Al Navarro2006-11-07 06:25:03

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One last post on the trip...




I think both Al and I mentioned "do not cross the double yellows". Here are some offenders, and the pursuing war of words:










Comments on Killboy:







Jeff said...


Okay, I'll start the message stream...




You idiots! Assuming that you are still alive to see this week's low lights, it is my prayer that you are so embarrassed by your public display of bad judgement that you will stay home until you have had your car repainted AND you have learned that sharing the road / staying on your side is the only way to enjoy the Dragon!




Wed Nov 01, 09:09:41 AM 2006   


mtncrvr said...


Heh all that $ and I guess it didn't come with a driving manual lol.




Wed Nov 01, 09:55:53 AM 2006   


jim plentyhorse said...


Dealer Plates and Fox Valley Motor Car sponsorship stickers. Hmmm.








Maybe the good people at Fox Valley need some driving lessons?




Wed Nov 01, 10:39:21 AM 2006   


blackGSR said...


Yuppys. As a previous winner of "worst driver of the week award" I would also like to point out that these guys boxed me and my buddy in at the gas station and I had to pull a 9 point turn to get out. (Important to note that the parking lot was in no way full, plenty of room.) All the while the lotus drivers had their noses up in the air watching to make sure I didnt dent their sweet rides. Kind of rude I guess. Kind of what I expect from someone who is better then me...




Wed Nov 01, 02:03:05 PM 2006   


Chris Watson said...


Don't loop all Elise/Exige owners into this same group, I was at the dragon earlier this year (last weekend of February / first weekend of March) with my new Elise and two friends with their Elise' and we paid extra attention to respecting the yellow lines. Hell, our cars were even part of Killboy's new look (the green/yellow/orange cars in the banner) when it debuted. You can see some photos from that trip HERE.




I almost attended this event but ended up going to the beach instead (needed a real vacation), now I'm kinda glad that I didn't go.




Wed Nov 01, 05:02:59 PM 2006   


PopeJennPaul said...


Ditto on what Chris Watson said. Not all Lotus owners are like this. This is as embarassing and angering to us as it is to anyone else.




As far as "holding our noses high in the air", that's also not a common Lotus owner trait.




PS, Lotus Elises don't "dent" they crack. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/smile5.gif




Wed Nov 01, 06:23:09 PM 2006   


MotoMinx said...


Y'all need to check out the threads on www.elisetalk.com. There are three threads where this is being discussed and it's good reading!




It's also obvious that the asshats in these photos are not the norm when it comes to Elise drivers. Most of them are courteous, responsible and mature.




Wed Nov 01, 07:30:09 PM 2006   


FranklinMint said...


Christ. Check out this tool:








"Dont bother Mick they wernt there, they dont know, but their gonna rail against us just for something to do, we all know we were fine, safe, and simply refused to let two stupid lines of paint dictate what piece of the roadway surface we could safley use at the time. It's funny that our own turn on us at the drop of a hat from the complaint of some idiot two wheeler and a couple of .00002 second close in photos."




Wed Nov 01, 11:49:58 PM 2006   


Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...


Some people just can't be reached.




It's a shame it always turns into some "Us vs. Them" argument, no matter who it is. They can't see that we're all out there for the same reason, and a little internet criticism is getting off EASY for the severity of this type of action. It's practically attempted murder...oh golly, you got called out on a w

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I'll be putting up a few more posts on this thread this week, before switching any comments/info posts to the main 7-7-7 thread in the EVENTS section.




First, a link to a YouTube montage from the Cherohala Skyway. For those of you who've driven Skyline Drive in Shenandoah NP, the Skyway is similar...perhaps a tad more open.








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As part of our trip, we visited our primary host hotel: Tapoco Lodge The Codys (Dirk and Marsha) were very nice and full of great advice/info. Since they've hosted several groups much larger than ours, they know what works and what doesn't.




If we cap things at 77.7 LSiS vehicles, I'm not that worried about parking, since the access road is wide enough to park and still have a thoroughfare. I can see cars filling the main lot, then starting to head up the hill via the access road.




This vid includes footage of the main lot and lodge, the access road, one cabin, and some of the grounds. Note that a few of the cabins have sizeable parking areas, and I could see various sub groups hosting smaller gatherings — not to "balkanize", but more to bond/represent...for example, the Texas folks may want to have a pre or post dinner or during the "car show" cocktail hour. Or the original Skyline folks might sponsor a lunch on Sat for our family and friends. Just some thoughts.




Oh, and it might be very funny to have a shuffleboard or horseshoe bracket/round robin avaiable to foster mixing and meeting.




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoBHsyzj__0Al Navarro2006-11-07 10:03:43

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Mazda, Al and all:




Thanks for all your efforts to organize this great event.




This report of driving on the wrong side of the road (straightening a great road) is inexcusable. Obvoiusly they got the appropriate chewing out on the i-net.




Rob Mitchell


(ride between the lines)



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Man, I saw the pic above about crossing the double line and was trying to figure out what the big deal is. I mean hell, he's only a tire width's distance over the line. If the bikers are gonna get that upset over it, then oh well.




Then I realized about halfway through reading the Lotus thread that they are on the complete other side of the road. For some reason I saw Lotus's and though of left hand lane driving DOH!




After some brief discussions with Mazda and Al, it looks like I'm in the running for the "official chase truck" title, assuming my work schedule pans out.




I'm really excited about this opportunity as it will be my first significant experience with a car based enthusiast event. All of my previous experience has been around 4x4 rally's, although I suspect the good natured community atmosphere will be the same. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/smile5.gif

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Man, I saw the pic above about crossing the double line and was trying to figure out what the big deal is. I mean hell, he's only a tire width's distance over the line. If the bikers are gonna get that upset over it, then oh well.




Then I realized about halfway through reading the Lotus thread that they are on the complete other side of the road. For some reason I saw Lotus's and though of left hand lane driving DOH!




After some brief discussions with Mazda and Al, it looks like I'm in the running for the "official chase truck" title, assuming my work schedule pans out.




I'm really excited about this opportunity as it will be my first significant experience with a car based enthusiast event. All of my previous experience has been around 4x4 rally's, although I suspect the good natured community atmosphere will be the same. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/smile5.gif




There are three factors that make it critical to not "cheat" on the dragon:


1. The road is VERY tight and most corners are blind.


2. There are alot of cars or bikes being driven enthusiastically in both directions, so it doesn't leave much time, or ability to react.


3. There are no shoulders

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After some brief discussions with Mazda and Al, it looks like I'm in the running for the "official chase truck" title, assuming my work schedule pans out.




I'm really excited about this opportunity as it will be my first significant experience with a car based enthusiast event. All of my previous experience has been around 4x4 rally's, although I suspect the good natured community atmosphere will be the same. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/smile5.gif




We're way more "good natured" http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/biggrinjester.gif




Hopefully your schedule will work out. Seven owners are very friendly with their tool truck support guys http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/rofl.gif

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So all my fuel, meals, and incidentals will be covered? Is that what you're telling me? http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/biggrin5.gif




BTW, assuming someone is willing to put up their trailer(hopefully w/ a winch on the front) I can play tow truck too.




Also, what is your expected attendance?

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