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At Putnam Park racetrack, Nov1, 2009. Courtesy of a (talented) friend of Jack Banker's, who was there.





Hey Mike,


Don't you just love your Brookies...!! I run with mine most of the time vs the full wind screen. Certainly a lot less buffeting with them.






The Brookland screens were great. They really livened up the car's performance. I was able to hang with a Honda 2000 down the straight, and that was a first. Of course it was all over for the Honda at the first breaking area into turn one: He was on the brakes while I was still accelerating.


Downside-I nearly froze to death getting there. I had a shirt, 2 sweatshirts and a winter jacket on and gloves, etc, heater full blast and man it was cold! Worth it tho:).




Mike- You do know that your paint job inspired the livery for my next car, right? Nosebands and clams for everyone! -Al

Posted (edited)

Al-No I didn't know. Thx a lot!


I think that from a purely aesthetic perspective, the classic-clammed S3 Lotus/Caterham is one of the nicest. And adding Brooklands seems to really round it out.


I do know I fully expected to win the prettiest car contest at the Se7ens event at the Dragon in '07:). Then I showed up and saw all the other amazing cars and resigned myself to being just another lovely Se7en(:.


I look forward to seeing photos of your completed car. As you can tell from my photo, it is essential that the color of your gloves match your nose band! (In my case it was pure coincidence-but I like it in the above photo) .



Edited by Kitcat

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