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Driving School Advice

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I'll be going to Summit Point for my first time race driving school at Fridays at the Track. I'll have the RX-7 powered Rotus and my brother-in-law will be driving my 01 M3 vert and my brother his 911 twin turbo AWD Porsche.


Any tips or would couldas you can think of for us to be best prepared?

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Race driving school,,, start slow and build up over the course of the school. Far too many people want to race from the first minute, your there to learn. You will be a lot better off learning the lines at a reasonable speed and building on that.

Trying to go fast from the first exercise will result in you leaving the weekend as slow (well maybe you are already a good driver though) as you began it.

Learn Grasshopper...

At least for me its hard to learn at the limit.

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Things to do:

Before leaving your residents make sure you have emptied everything out of the car this includes the glove box and under the seats...don't want anything flying out and startling you or your instructor when driving.

Ask questions of the instructors when being shown or told how to do things for better understanding.

Do not think you know how to drive a car at speed...anyone can go fast but quick and safe and smooth are very hard and take lots of practice.

Drive as smooth as you can and break hard before turning to keep the car in balance.

Try to be consistent with how you do things while driving the car.

Pay ATTENTION and LISTEN to what the instructors say.

Have FUN and enjoy yourself.

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Drive smooth and listen to your instructor. Corner entry and exits are what its all about. Dont try to go fast your first weekend. Listen when they are teaching Vehicle Dynamics its one of the most important parts of driving on a track. Ride with an instructor during their session if possible. Most of all have fun.

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