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From the latest EVO (Feb. 2012):


In addition to "adaptive cruise control" and "active lane departure warning system," the new Audi S4 has a "feature" that is called the "break recommendation function." (At first I thought the word "brake" had been mis-used).


To quote: "The [break recommendation function] monitors steering movements and use of the pedals and gearlever to detect irregular or overly sudden driver inputs. It then alerts him or her to the possible need to take a break by audible and visual cues in the cabin."


I'm sure that this dubious "feature" would be triggered each time the driver departs from Starbucks after having a double cappucino .....


What next??


One that says to the jerks driving 60 in the fast lane, the ones who stop at the end of the acceleration ramps and the ones who put their turn signal on as they are already making the actual turn, "Your driving like you have a stick up your a--, learn to freakin' drive or just get off the highway". I'm usually shouting that bit of informartion at them but it would make my life easier if their car just told them. LOL.


With all this technology, we should be able to text the driver that he/she is driving like a jerk. Plus all the cars around us should be able to see it top.


Of course this would be a text from our voice and they would hear it instead of having to read it... have to be safe after all.


MB has that same type of driver alert in their upper end models.

Watch Men in Black II as they have a MB with an artificial driver that is the next step if the manufactures and the government keeps going the way they are and technology keeps going the way it seems.


I remember watching The Walt Disney show "Futurama" episodes on black and white TV ( I think Disneyland was still being built and the DisneyWorld area was still producing nothing but Gators).

In the "future", like maybe the 1980's, cars would be driving themselves along magnetic highways with no possibility of an accident or a traffic jam. They always showed these great "plastic bubble top" cars with sweeping fins and a family inside sitting around what looked like a resturant booth playing cards or whatever while while the car did all of the driving. Gee, that seems so dated now, because by the time TV went color the cars on Disney's Futurama shows were all "flying" themselves and we didn't need highways anymore.

Somewhere along the line things seemed to have gone terribly wrong!!! Come back Walt, we need you. LOL.

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