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How is it when you park your Seven in an empty parking lot, you come out and find people parked on both sides and in front of it? Think I've found the solution........



It would be nice having those for our everyday cars in some lots. My car has received several nice sized dings from inconsiderate/inattentive folks opening their doors.


Seriously I never back all the way in, someone might think it's an empty stall rush in and whack it!

Seriously I never back all the way in, someone might think it's an empty stall rush in and whack it!
This very nearly happened to my car when I took it to work one day.


I was stood in the boardroom (2nd floor) trying to point out my car to a colleague. It had gone 9 and there was a conference on site that day, so the carpark was already full. Someone (presumably late for work) came barrelling into the carpark, thinking they had found a spot and swung into the space where my 7 was parked. Sudden application of brakes and I assumed there had been contact. Dashed down to the car, by which time the driver had cleared off - fortunately no contact had been made with the Cat.


So now I always drive into a parking bay forwards and leave the back end sticking out as much as I can. With a long bonnet, coming out of a bay backwards is also a much better idea....


I don't do it because I'm insightful but through the experience of a friend.

He just took ownership of his new Spitfire, Saturday morning girlfriend wants to go shopping. Looking for a parking spot in a busy lot he thinks he sees one half way down but a guy is approaching from the other end. Foot hard down he beats the other guy and swings into the only empty spot ………. regain consciousness, looks up to see ambulance attendant, policeman and crowd of people. That one empty spot was occupied by a concrete lamp post. Two sore heads and one V shaped Spitfire bonnet later, lesson learned OUCH!


Went to BJ's today and noticed they had covered areas for their carts, thought of this post....

How is it when you park your Seven in an empty parking lot, you come out and find people parked on both sides and in front of it? Think I've found the solution........

Great photo! I printed it and hung it up in my office.

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