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Robert O. Urfer

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Everything posted by Robert O. Urfer

  1. Hi Ross! No Problem. I will take the cycle fenders. Let me know the total and your paypal address. Thanks, Robert
  2. Hi Ross! I will take the fenders and braces. $100 plus shipping is great! Shipping is: Lucas products 5655 Opportunity Dr. Toledo, Ohio 43612 You can email me directly if you like: Robert@lucasproducts.com Please let me know the total and your paypal address and I will get the payment sent immediately. Thanks, Robert
  3. I would really like to buy set of caterham or birkin cycle fenders if anyone has a spare set. i could probably also use the fenders mounts as well. Thanks, Robert
  4. The engine is a fuel injected toyota 4 a-ge 20v silver top from Japan. It is a really cool motor with 4 individual throttle bodies. It runs SDS and really needs dyno tuning. It is running too rich. The trans is a toyota T50 The running gear is alfa spider
  5. Here a re few pics of the car. Still have a few projects to really clean it up but it runs and drives great and I am happy.
  6. I bought the car from list member Sporqster. Since I purchased it I have replaced the front bushings with polyurethane, replaced the ball joints, upgraded the brakes with new pads and cross drilled rotors, flushed and filled the old brake fluid. I have added 16 inch caterham wheels, Caterham SV doors, Mirrors for sevens mirror, and Short shifter. To be done: Install some carpeting over trans tunnel Simplify cooling system sand body where the numbers were adhered and to clean up oxidation possibly have a tonneau or full top made Re align front fenders to be centered over the wheels more It is a blast to drive I am very happy with it. I will upload a few pics in the next couple of days.
  7. Why not source T9 parts from the many Merkur XR4TI sources. Seems a heck of a lot easier than ordering from Australia. Same thing goes for Sierra diffs both 7" and 7 1/2" readily available from Merkur guys.
  8. Well it did not sell on ebay. It is still available. I am going to re list it however if anyone is interested I am willing to end the auction.
  9. I bought this lightly used from Craig Chima so I never dealt with Tillet.
  10. Blair, I responded to your P.M. Thanks!
  11. That looks like photoshop. I am sure it is real but the angle makes it look like photoshop.
  12. If anyone needs a trackday seat: I posted my caterham tillet seat on ebay. Here is the link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Caterham-til...6385ae&vxp=mtr Thanks, Robert
  13. A few years ago someone was making laser cut exhaust shields with the Seven logo on them. I would love to buy one if anyone has one or any other kind of exhaust shield. Thanks, Robert
  14. I posted my caterham tillet seat on ebay. Here is the link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Caterham-tillet-carbon-kevlar-seat-with-slider-mount-super-seven-7-locost-/300889114030?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item460e6385ae&vxp=mtr Thanks, Robert
  15. I would like the doors. Please let me know shipping to toledo Ohio 43612 You can email me: urfc@hotmail.com Thanks, Robert
  16. I have one drivers seat only. If you are interested I can get you a pic. email me off site. urfc@hotmail.com
  17. I have a Kevlar caterham seat if you are interested. I sent edcetera a pm.
  18. Keep me posted. I am in Toledo, Ohio and may be in the market around May.
  19. series 4 cars are just so damn ugly. I just can't stand it.
  20. It's basically an upgraded t9 from a merkur. Way too much money for a tranny. You will never blow up a t in Caterham.
  21. That is the tiniest motor. It almost looks fake.
  22. Needs a bit of love but has history. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Lotus-Seven-1960-Lotus-Seven-4-cylinder-Anglia-engine_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6312QQihZ013QQitemZ230293707198QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  23. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Lotus-super-7-series-2-1962-Lotus-super7-series-2-excellent-restored-cond_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6312QQihZ009QQitemZ190248487056QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  24. This may put some truth behind what I was told.
  25. :jester: THen you could upgrade to a 4 wheel steering sytem.
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