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As soon as I got the Asheville Cat into the garage, we had to see how Zippy fit. Mutthttp://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/2087553807_Zippy7_Web.jpg
In recumbent bicycles, they're known as "tadpoles." Mutt
I'm having trouble finding a water pump that fits my crossflow. The block is stamped "771M" and I recall reading that the preferred engine is the "711M." Can any of you experts tell me what I've got? Mike in Asheville Look before you leap department: By following some of the links in this thread, I answered the question. The 771 M engine was the crossflow as fitted to the Fiesta in the '80s, which explains the waterpump problem. Burtonpower.com is the bomb. Mike
James made quite an impression with his Series One that he drove over from Asheville on Saturday. He bought the car from Ned Gallaher, who bought it in NY several years ago and drove it home! Ned's about 6'2" and fills that car up pretty well. James is a very experienced vintage racer, and still has a Sports 2000 and a couple of old Lolas. He fills our otherwise boring slot car race nights with racing stories from the early sixties Sebrings right up to date. Ask him about Jimmy Clark's farmhouse. A couple of years ago, he and Olymar7 (Berk) built that car from scratch, just for fun. In January he took pity on my Lotus lust, and sold me a few parts he had sitting around, like an '85 Caterham rolling chassis, built Crossflow, bullet box, and other bits, and is tutoring me through my build. He's a great guy, and I'm glad so many of you got to meet him. Mutt
Unfortunately, the Asheville Cat is not going to be on the road for the Sevens at the Dragon. Oh, well. I can quit obsessing about clutch parts. Mary and I will be there, however, along with James and the 88th Series One built. Mutt
I know that Blakely kits were sold for Spridgets. They were different, if you didn't mind ugly. Mike
Steve, You're my hero. Will you be my mentor, too? Thanks, Mutt
My car has flared (clamshell) fenders, and I only have a cycle fendered car as a template. How do the fenders attach? There are the two braces (headlight and under the scuttle), but is the fender bolted to the body? If so, isn't that aluminum awfully flimsy to support the wind induced flexing of those big fenders? Hand fitting the fenders, it seems that the lower rear edge of the fender is 6" from the bottom edge of the car, and the front edge is flush with the lower edge of the bonnet, about 2" behind the headlight mount. Is that right? I'm figuring I'll have to 'glass some clamps or studs to the underside of the fender to clamp the fender braces. Any hints on this? July 7 is not that far away. Mutt
After having spent the morning being overwhelmed by the project in front of me, I realized there's lots of little bits I'll need to get this puppy rolling. What are the best vendors for Caterham specific parts? When I was doing my Triumph I had a lot of experience with Moss Motors and Vicky Brit, but there's probably noone comparable in the Se7en community. Tell me who to avoid and who to support. Mutt
I told you there'd be questions: Where's the best place for bushings? The 20 year old rubber ones are showing some age, and I thought I might replace them with polyurethane... Mutt
Yeah, we have a small group of - uh- "grownup" guys who get together most Thursday nights to race 1/32 scale slot cars. There are 4 tracks, about 50'. It's mostly an excuse to drink and drive. Do I need to figure out a way to get a track over to the Dragon? Drive like lightning, crash like thunder - the motto of the 83-35 slot race group. Mutt
It followed me home, and Mary says I can keep it! The roller, bodywork, tranny and carbs are in the garage. One more trip to bring home the Xflow, and I'm hard at work.
Go to www.mossmotors.com, search "tenax" and you'll find all the variations. Mutt in Asheville.
Stevet, Thanks for the info. I'm anxious to see if I can beat the synchros......... Olymar, now that you've finished the Seven, and are waiting for the sun to come out, why don't you come race slotcars with us? Mutt
Olymar, The Caterham belonged to James Wilson, who's decided to be satisfied with his Series One. The rolling chassis and engine is at Ned Gallaher's shop in Tryon, sitting between a Ferrari F40 track car and a couple of original Cobras. What a toy shop. If the wintry weather holds off, I plan to bring it home to N. Asheville this Friday. Congratulations on getting yours done. Are these cars ever really done? How does it handle Ox Creek Road? Post some pictures and details on this list, so I'll be sure not to paint mine the same! Mutt
Thanks, guys. I love the learning process. Mutt in Asheville.
Okay, I shook hands on the '84 Caterham kit, so lots more questions ran through my head last night (and very early this morning.) 1. Is this car metric or Imperial? I'm guessing Imperial bolts. 2. It has a close ratio 4 speed "Bullitt" or "bullet" box. What's that? 3. The live rear axle is from a Cortina, and was upgraded by "Lotus Jack(?)" from California, with an aluminum case. Who and what's that? 4. It has Revolution 14x6 wheels. Does anyone have any info on those? 5. What do I do with the TR 4A I parked in the garage two years ago? TIA, Mutt in Asheville
Won't happen. International talk like a pirate day isn't until Sept. 19. http://www.talklikeapirate.com/ Arrgh. Mutt
Stevet, Thanks. I'm going to wait to see what the PO has before I take you up on your offer. Bernie, I'll check out Painless Wiring, although in my experience, their name is an oxymoron. Mutt
I'm in Asheville, about an hour away from the Tail of the Dragon, and hoping to make the trip on 7/7. Thanks for the replies; I don't know yet what the owner who bought the kit in '84 has in the way of literature. I do know that I'm going to need a wiring harness. British Wiring seems to be gone. Any other suggestions? Thanks, Mutt
I'm about to pull the trigger on an unbuilt '84 Caterham kit (no, you can't have it) and need to collect the database. Does anyone know where I can find the Tony Weale book? What other essentials are there? Thanks. I hope you'll be hearing from me often. Mutt