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    Birmingham, Alabama
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    2018 Caterham 420R

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  1. @SK400The chassis harness has these 2 connectors for the reverse switch which used to connect to the GB on the RHS... Assuming BY10/G9 is in fact the reverse signal and not power wire up BY10/G9 to these (direction is not important). The 12V comes from G73 for the reverse light. You'll have to snip off the weird connectors for GN137/G73 and put on some Deutsch or whatever. Steve from SBD will probably know about the ECU pin function. No idea for the rest. Is this the Caterham kit 6 SPEED SEQUENTIAL GEARBOX KIT - Caterham Parts?
  2. What ECU do you have? For a MBE9A4 ECU, pin 16 is an output from the ECU, pins 19 and 27 are programmable inputs to the ECU (shift up/down?). Guessing G9/BY10 is the reverse switch, like MV8 says put it in reverse and see what happens to the ohms across those wires. That would leave getting power from the left connector I suppose. No idea what the 5 wires are for other than power.
  3. That’s terrible! https://caterhamparts.co.uk/calipers-pads-discs/7662-1-brake-pad-rear-standard-material-de-dion-cars.html CP3915-42-DS25HP
  4. Agreed, I’m looking at that for the rears. From my personal experience on the A7/R7 choice track temperature is also a big factor. I have not run on Hoosiers yet in the 7, but in another race car which weighs 2850’ if the air temp is above ~60F and sunny R7s are the way to go. I would imagine for 7s it’s a higher temperature, maybe someone with experience in Hoosiers would have some insight.
  5. A7 isn't available for the sizes unfortunately or wasn't last time I checked.
  6. I encountered the same stuff during a fuel cell installation project a few years ago. It's crazy that the pump control module is basically guessing the fuel demand. With your new ITB the "guess" is no doubt going to be wrong, especially if you have the green injectors. The Pump On command wire GY from the ECU has to be a pulse to work, you cant just leave it on to run the pump, so I ended up removing the pump control module, though It's not as safe. Also the fuel pump really drains the battery quickly when it's on full time, so watch out for that. I made a thread on at the time, it has some diagrams and videos with and without the pump control module, you've figured most everything out already but maybe there will be something in there that is useful...
  7. Wheel Size Use Type Manufacturer Part # Comp. Diam (in) Diam (mm) Width Width (mm) Notes 13x6 Track DOT Avon 185/55R13 EXT ZZR EXT 21.0 533 7.3 185 No longer available 13x8 Track DOT Avon 215/55R13 EXT ZZR EXT 22.3 566 8.5 215 No longer available 13x6 Track DOT Hoosier P185/60ZR13 R7 21.9 555 7.3 185 13x8 Track DOT Hoosier P225/45ZR13 R7 20.9 529 8.9 225 15x8 Track DOT Hoosier P225/45ZR15 R7 22.8 578 8.9 225 Avon ZZR rears have a diameter of 566mm; the Hoosier P225/45ZR13 is 37mm smaller but the P225/45ZR15 is only 12mm bigger despite being on 15" wheels. The problem for the P225/45ZR13 is the limited top speed (usually run >125mph on straights) and the massive suspension adjustment. The P225/45ZR15 may be problematic too with needing more torque to get to top speed, but at least the suspension adjustment isn't huge. I need to think about it more.
  8. Well crap I may have made a mistake on the rears. Has anyone gone 13/6 front 15/8 rears on the Hoosier R7?
  9. Let us know how that goes. I went with the 225/45/13 on the rears on 8" width wheels. I've put them on the car, but even visually without dropping the car down the lower rear height is going to require a big change to the suspension. I'm assuming your using 6" rear wheels for the 205s?
  10. I've raced the Toyo RR and Hoosier R7 on the same weekend in a SpecE46 (2850'). The RRs were just not very good, happy to see them make a better tire.
  11. Here's the slick list I've compiled so far...I'll add the FF tires to the list. I don't have any R60 experience but if they need to be above 95F to fire up they may not work. The R35s are pretty durable and are considered Softs. Wheel Size Use Type Manufacturer Part # Compound Diameter (in) Diameter (mm) Width Width (mm) Notes 13x6 Track Slick Hoosier 43370 R35B 20.5 519 7.0 177 No longer available 13x8 Track Slick Hoosier 43380 R35B 22.5 570 8.0 203 No longer available 13x6 Track Slick Hoosier 43167 R20/R35B 20 507 7.5 190 13x8 Track Slick Hoosier 43380 R35B 22 557 9.0 228 13x6 Track Slick Goodyear 234776 R255/R470 20.5 519 7.2 182 13x8 Track Slick Goodyear 234777 R255/R470 22.5 570 9.2 233 13x6 Track Slick Avon Historic 7.0/21.0-13 21 532 7.0 177 13x8 Track Slick Avon Historic 8.2/22.0-13 22 557 8.2 208
  12. A7 compound is not available for the 185s according to their documentation...no idea what the logic is for that. I raced with a set of As and Rs a few weeks ago in a SpoecE46, turned out which to run depended on track temperature more than anything, the Rs are very difficult to heat up in cooler weather. But I agree As would make more sense for our light cars.
  13. Hijacking this thread...seeing as Nova is going to be a long time before they get going and my stash of ZZRs have been used up I'm looking for different DOT race tires (not street). The table below shows what I found scouring this forum and the internet with the first couple of lines being the old ZZRs for reference. Does anyone have any knowledge about Hoosier R7 vs. Kumho V70A vs. Toyo R888 as far as cornering performance? The UK supplier was convinced the Kumho V70A are better than the Avon ZZRs anyway, which was surprising to hear. Wheel Size Use Type Manufacturer Part # Compound Diameter (in) Diameter (mm) Width Width (mm) Notes 13x6 Track DOT Avon 185/55R13 EXT ZZR EXT 21.0 533 7.3 185 No longer available 13x8 Track DOT Avon 215/55R13 EXT ZZR EXT 22.3 566 8.5 215 No longer available 13x6 Track DOT Hoosier 46302 R7 21.8 551 7.3 185 13x8 Track DOT Hoosier 46309 R7 21.0 532 8.9 225 13x6 Track DOT Kumho V70A 175/55R13 Medium 20.6 522 6.9 175 13x8 Track DOT Kumho V70A 215/55R13 Medium 22.3 566 8.5 215 13x6 Track DOT Toyo R888 185/60R13 Medium 21.8 551 7.3 185 13x8 Track DOT Toyo R888 225/45R13 Medium 21.0 532 8.9 225
  14. I still have the handbrake setup with the smaller rear pads so not a comparison for your system, but AP pads are fine on it, as they all have been. It's just wear rate I'm fighting, they only last 3-4 weekends, probably due to overheating. You won't have that problem. Could be worth trying a lower friction pad as well to see if that works better for you.
  15. Just to muddy the waters the engine braking can be quite significant on the rears, especially if you aggressively downshift to high revs on corner entry. If you don't heel/toe/rev match on the downshifts it can break the rear tires free briefly.
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