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Personal Information

  • Biography
    Husband, Father, Retired U.S. Army Officer
  • Location
    Southern Black Hills, SD
  • Interests
    Cars, Mountain biking, Woodworking
  • Occupation
  • Se7en

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  1. I noticed my build photos dropped off the thread. Adding a few as I noticed the car is on BaT.
  2. That's super nice Tom. I pictured a garage in Alaska being made of snow or animal hides. At least that's how I remembered things in Fairbanks when I was a kid.
  3. Wow! Not only is your garage filled with my favorite toys, but that's a real nice garage!
  4. New project - 1967 M715, 12961 original miles It weighs as much as a handful of sevens. I'm getting an LS3...
  5. Jeez, just saw this. Glad you're okay.
  6. I just spit up my soda laughing!
  7. This is one of my favorites. Would be nicer with an LS.
  8. Wow! That's one beautiful Storker Jack. Makes me miss mine even more.
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