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Per Mazdas request, a couple of pictures of my previous toy (now sold). I await the parts fairy from England for the upgrades Jeff at British Auto is putting on my SV; hopefully, I'll have the car sometime in August.http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/202319896_DSC01167.JPGhttp://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/1121233690_DSC02149.JPGhttp://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/1773767639_DSC02153.JPGhttp://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/235828378_DSC02146.JPG


Welcome aboard, Brad!! I heard those are a fun ride...can you say tail-happy!!






That is a really nice ride, Looks like you spent a lot of time doing a quality build.

Whats the little chrome loop on the dash?

Dave W



The original cars came with full or half racing windscreens, not windshields, but US import regulations required the cars to have tops. The solution was a birdcage frame with a top stretched over it, and strapped to 4 dash loops. Original pictures exist, and boy was the top ugly. My loops are a cosmetic shout out to the original, commonly installed an more detailed builds of the car.


I had the car built as a complete car in 2003. There are several builders of both complete cars, and kits, just like with Sevens. Originals are worth $800,000 to $1,000,000+++, and are rarely seen outside of museums, concourse events, and vintage racing gatherings.

Did you build that car or restore it?


Do you know if a reproduction body exists complete or in kit form?

There is a company in Denver that builds Beck 550 Spyder kits and will even put a Subaru STi motor in them for you.


I've seen a couple of them and they seem well done. I haven't had a chance to drive one though. I thought long and hard about getting one but in the end went with the Caterham.


If you are interested, google something like "beck spyder denver colorado" and you should find their website.

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