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Jimmy Dorsey's Stalker. Jimmy and his daughter did 48 states in 37 days (I think) in that car.




Have a link to more pics? Am curious to see the side pods and rear fender mount details...

Definitely not your daddy's Buick!




Copied this his from the yahoo Stalker forum:


Never quite completed the mods to #116 before it was time to leave for Ambush. New top is slightly lower and a bit more narrow. New style T-tops and windows leak much less. Wind wings reduce wind into the cockpit tremendously. Dual fuel tanks worked as planned/hoped. Photos on Killboy.com located on 10/01/15 page 4, line 3. Also photos on 129photos.com 10/01/15 page 18.

I am now using rear fenders and they have Vortex Generators to reduce rear end lift in the 180-200 mph speed runs.ec?url=https%3A%2F%2Fs.yimg.com%2Fok%2Fu%2Fassets%2Fimg%2Femoticons%2Femo1.gif&t=1444571853&sig=ZRX1_3kP9pEQFOBEu4BCxA--~C Secondly, they give rear fender support as the front half of the fender provides a seat to ease entry and exit. And thirdly, the Vortex generators provide a nice hand hold when it is necessary to move the car while inside the shop.

The first day out we covered 533 miles to Dublin, Ga. and reached Ambush on the second day for a total of 789 miles. After leaving Ambush we went spent 2 days to reach Shelby,Mich. with a distance of 1,092 miles. After several days visiting her parents we headed home. Three days were spent to cover the 1651 miles back home and we pulled in to Naples just after dark last night. Total distance traveled was 3532 miles in 7 traveling days

Altogether it was a great jaunt and happily Cheryl never complained when it did rain and agrees to do it again sometime. Jimmydz116

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