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Hi All -

Trying to get the Westfield fully sorted and finding I can't heal/toe due to the accelerator being closer to me than the brake pedal. I'd like to move the brake and clutch closer rather than move the accelerator back.


Never had to do this... help appreciated.



I'm not familiar with the pedal setup on the Westfield but on my Caterham I had to do some bending of the brake pedal to move it close enough to the gas pedal.


The other critical thing is to adjust the brake pedal such that when you are under hard braking it is more or less on the same plane as the gas pedal.


As for "heel and toe," in my case, I have the ball of the right foot on the brake and blip the gas pedal with the outside edge of the foot. As such, neither my heel or toe(s) are truly involved.


Wish I could be of more help.


No Tom its a relative height/level position issue.



Go to page 10 of the assembly instructions linked below



While the diagram and verbiage is pretty crap (equal to Caterham and Birkin in their instructions!) it does talk about adjusting the master cylinder pushrod nuts to get the desired brake pedal position. I would assume you can do the same with the clutch pedal as the instructions are silent (or Westfield's don't have clutches?).


That would be my first suggestion. If that does not give you enough adjustability then the second suggestion would be to PM JohnCH on this forum as the ultimate Westfield guru and see if he has some technical ideas.


Third option is to reach out to the guys at Manik LLC who are the Westfield importer and see if they have a better suggestion.


Hi All -

Thanks for the help. Correct, Mike, I am talking about height/ level. I looked into page 10 before and I guess I've just been concerned I'll screw it up somehow. I'm going to give this a try and report back asap.



Just mark your starting point with a sharpie or something. If it all goes wrong you know how to get back to where you started from.

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