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With PennDot how hard is it to title a Birkin from another state?


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If the Birkin is already titled in another state is it the same process as transferring a regular car title? Do I have to get an enhanced vehicle inspection?


I appreciate any help. I have found the whole thing quite confusing.

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yeti, you can go on penn dot web site and read over their rules .it's fairly easy. if your title states that your car is spl construction ,kit car, replica,or something to that effect, you must do the special inspection .mine was $150 for my 68 seven replica .I used blast from the past in Pottstown pa, but you can go to any tag place and they have all the forms and if you need spl inspection they will give you a list of who's licensed to do it and where they are located . if your buying it out of state go and get a transport tag for it. that way you can drive it for about a month while you wait for paper work from a special inspection . my last two transfers and inspections took about three weeks for the papers to return . you can then get tags the same day. good luck, bill c.

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yeti, you can go on penn dot web site and read over their rules .it's fairly easy. if your title states that your car is spl construction ,kit car, replica,or something to that effect, you must do the special inspection .mine was $150 for my 68 seven replica .I used blast from the past in Pottstown pa, but you can go to any tag place and they have all the forms and if you need spl inspection they will give you a list of who's licensed to do it and where they are located . if your buying it out of state go and get a transport tag for it. that way you can drive it for about a month while you wait for paper work from a special inspection . my last two transfers and inspections took about three weeks for the papers to return . you can then get tags the same day. good luck, bill c.


Also used Blast from the Past (6 years ago) for my enhanced inspection.



My advice on the title swap is to go to your local tag shop (if close to Pottstown, PA area, PM me and I'll send you to the tag place with the most kit car experience) and attempt the basic title swap. If it gets bounced back by Harrisburg (10% of the time from my experience), then you can go through the "specialty construction" process. The SC process in PA is painless, and when you are done, the car is emissions exempt for life.


Bill S.

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Thanks Bill. I found the inspection document from PennDot. It seems to be very specific in some areas and frustratingly vague in others. As one example, I saw self cancelling turn signals listed somewhere else on their website but see nothing on the inspection document. I am thinking of going to one of the inspection stations and asking them questions.

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Thanks Bill. I found the inspection document from PennDot. It seems to be very specific in some areas and frustratingly vague in others. As one example, I saw self cancelling turn signals listed somewhere else on their website but see nothing on the inspection document. I am thinking of going to one of the inspection stations and asking them questions.


If it's not on the inspection form, then they will not be checking it.


To stop or call and ask questions opens up a Pandora's box as now you have alerted them to things they may have overlooked in the past, and will scrutinize everything much harder from now on. Or, they may think you are a government employee calling in to spot check their work. One of my out of state cobra replicas was "borrowed" for such a thing back in the mid 2K's with a shop that is no longer in business just west of KOP.


Bill S.


PS: Don't over think it, if buying a previously titled car, just get the title swapped over. Then have a local garage do the regular inspection. Only if the title is kicked back do you need to go through the enhanced inspection (less than an 30 minutes). Yes, it really can be that simple.

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I should have read the above posts first. I do tend to over think things. I went to one of the enhanced inspection shops and opened Pandora's box plus some of her friends boxes. The guy normally works on hot rods. He went through a litany of things (no bumpers, no doors, ect...) why it wasn't safe and it was poor choice of a car. He wants to take the photos to his friends at PennDot to get their opinion. He did say it wasn't his opinion that counts but the states. He did suggest going over to talk to a local British car shop to see what their experience is. I hope I am not going to be setting the 7 replica business back to the Stone Age in PA.

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I should have read the above posts first. I do tend to over think things. I went to one of the enhanced inspection shops and opened Pandora's box plus some of her friends boxes. The guy normally works on hot rods. He went through a litany of things (no bumpers, no doors, ect...) why it wasn't safe and it was poor choice of a car. He wants to take the photos to his friends at PennDot to get their opinion. He did say it wasn't his opinion that counts but the states. He did suggest going over to talk to a local British car shop to see what their experience is. I hope I am not going to be setting the 7 replica business back to the Stone Age in PA.


Yup, bottom line, don't go back to that shop, but do put your town name in your location profile so we can guide you in to not making the same mistake again.



Bill S.


PS: From hands on experience, both Birkin and Caterham VIN profiles are already in the PA title system, and properly built, will pass the enhanced inspection process, doors, or no doors.

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The mechanic came through despite his personal reservations. He met with a Penn dot official that said the Birkin was legal as long as it passes the PA inspection!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have now passed the enhanced inspection. All I needed was new windshield glass. I'll take the paperwork to PennDot next week. I was told it takes one to two weeks for them to process it. I'm hoping they just send me plate at that point. I'll have to ask. Thanks for the help.

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I have now passed the enhanced inspection. All I needed was new windshield glass. I'll take the paperwork to PennDot next week. I was told it takes one to two weeks for them to process it. I'm hoping they just send me plate at that point. I'll have to ask. Thanks for the help.


Did you try to just swap the title over before you went the enhanced inspection route?


Bill S.

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It was rejected at Harrisburg. I was given a list of enhanced inspection stations and the form to have filled out. They said once that was done it should take 1 to 2 weeks for them to process the paperwork.

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It was rejected at Harrisburg. I was given a list of enhanced inspection stations and the form to have filled out. They said once that was done it should take 1 to 2 weeks for them to process the paperwork.


That is surprising, but yes, the PA enhanced inspection process has been greatly improved since the early days where it took months to get the paperwork and inspections done. My last one (circa 2012) saw a 10 day turnaround with the title in my mailbox. Once you get the new PA VIN tag (mounted on the passenger side firewall in the upper left hand corner), you can go get your plates and be on the road legally with a huge smile on your face.



Bill S

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  • 5 weeks later...

I am still waiting. My one to two weeks I was told at PennDot has been four tomorrow. I seem to have no way to follow up on the process!:banghead::banghead::banghead:

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