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Run N Gun is scheduled for Oct 11-13 2007 in St.Louis


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Yes, but is he wearing the "wing hat" in the pits?:D


Most Likely, If Barbara didn't hide it on him.


Every bit of down force helps my friend. :lol:






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Tonight was the awards banquet for Run N Gun. I don't have all the results as accurately as I wish , but here's what I have for now.


Chuck Spera, Ultralite XR7..... 1st place, 4 & 6 Cyl Autocross Pro Class

2nd place 4 & 6 Cyl Roadcourse Pro Class


Jerry Eddens, Ultralite S2K.......2nd place 4 & 6 cyl Autocross Street class

2nd place 4 & 6 cyl Roadcourse Street Class


John Shaloub, Ultralite S2K.......2nd place Autocross, Novice Class John got his Ultralite on Saturday, drove it to the track, and won a trophy today. I admire his guts in taking a brand new car on the track when it is only 4 days old :hurray:


The rest of these items may well have the names and exact trophy classes mixed up, but the winners are sure to post here with the correct info.


Justin(??) Stalker...............1st place 4 & 6 cyl Autocross Street Class ( now you know who beat me :cry:)

...............1st place 4 & 6 cyl Road course Street Class ( RATS!!! he did it to me again :cry: :cry:)


Dennis Brunton, Super Stalker.......1st Place Pro roadcourse I believe he won another trophy as well, and had the fastest pro class roadcourse time


Paul Whittle... Super Stalker...trophied in power adder class

Mark Scott.... Stalker... trophied, not sure of the class


Dino Trakas, SR27.............. 1st place 4 & 6 cyl Prepared Class Auto cross

................1st Place 4 & 6 cyl Prepared Road course


For those of you that I missed or screwed up the info, I apologize, and ask that you post the correct info.


All in all. the sevens took home a bushel of trophies :party:


Sadly, there were a few sevens that had mechanical difficulties, Loren Edwards didn't get to run his blown Ultralite, and one Stalker broke a motor. Hopefully they will get repaired and back onto the course for next year.

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The drags are saturday morning ( tomorrow) I'll report on Sat or Sun night.


Here are some pics of sevens and some of the cars we were runing against on the track. Remember you run with a group depending on tires, not car type, so the 1000 hp twin turbo LS7 Ultima ran with the fast sevens ( and was run down by Dennis Brunton's superstalker.

http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/1587061707_DSC_4293 (Medium).JPG

http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/1492743684_DSC_4294 (Medium).JPG


http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/1400828818_DSC_4295 (Medium).JPG


http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/756256554_DSC_4296 (Medium).JPG


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http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/665264225_DSC_4378 (Medium).JPG


http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/297020660_DSC_4419 (Medium).JPG


http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/886576777_DSC_4444 (Medium).JPG


http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/489850942_DSC_4449 (Medium).JPG


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http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/214106344_DSC_4478 (Medium).JPG


http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/187572467_DSC_4481 (Medium).JPG


Remember the reason you see the sevens behind the Cobras, is that the Sevens are CATCHING the Cobras


http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/149531564_DSC_4385 (Medium).JPG


http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/1635364384_DSC_4389 (Medium).JPG


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http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/1263185257_DSC_4447 (Medium).JPG

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can you take a couple closeups of the side deflector?



I've been thinking about modding my rear fender to smooth the transition from the body... this looks similar. Also curious about the owner's impression of its effectiveness.

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I have a pile of pics to go thru but will post them a little later. You will notice that my name is absent from the results. Unfortunaltely on Wen. test and tune we had a rod start knocking causing me to withdraw from the event:cry: :cry: . I think we might have experienced some pre-detonation that damaged some plugs but not sure if it caused the rod problem. But we still had a great time hanging out with all the folks and watching the cars in action. We will be there next year ready to run. Loren

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I have a pile of pics to go thru but will post them a little later. You will notice that my name is absent from the results. Unfortunaltely on Wen. test and tune we had a rod start knocking causing me to withdraw from the event:cry: :cry: . I think we might have experienced some pre-detonation that damaged some plugs but not sure if it caused the rod problem. But we still had a great time hanging out with all the folks and watching the cars in action. We will be there next year ready to run. Loren


Man, that's a bummer :cry:

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First off, thanks to Jack, Jerry, Dino, Paul, Loren, Ron, Dennis, Mark, Paul, and some guys whose names I either can't recall or didn't get.

Great group of guys and cars representing Se7ens at Run N Gun. I went down to get a look at some cars and these guys made sure that

I saw, rode, drove and got a good taste of the Se7en experience. THANK YOU ALL!


I've uploaded a few pics including a couple close ups of the side deflector on the black car. Slngsht - these guys were from Iowa, not far from me. The deflector was new - as was the car - so I don't think they have a good feel for it's effectiveness.






This Super Stalker was built by Mark Scott of Prototype Developments and his son. And after checking their web-site, www.pdllc.net, I learned

that he is the "Scott" of Riley and Scott. The car was beautifully finished.



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Well, we had the drags. I wish I could say I won my class, but AGAIN , I was aced out by Justin in his Stalker:cry: :cry: I wish I could use the excuse that I had a bad run, or that I missed a shift ( which I did) but...... his time slip was better than any I had run today. I guess that means I was just beat:cry:

He took first place in Street 4&6 cyl, and I was second.


I did beat Dennis Brunton on the drag strip:hurray: The fact that his tire blew up at the start, and that he did a 360 in my lane, and almost hit the wall should be ignored:cuss: I was at the finish line FIRST!!!! ( of course this was in the practice runs, but .... whatever.....)


Dennis took the pro class drags and another I think Top Gun


Paul Whittle took the "king of the Hill" drag trophy. This was bracket drags, and the last two cars were sevens ( Stalkers)

The sevens were superbly represented, and were formidable opponents to all the Cobras, Mongooses, GT40's, Optimas, Dragons, and Daytona Coupes.


For those of you who were not there, you missed a great event. The friendship, comraderie, and good will shown to the sevens ( and vice versa) was impressive. It was great fun, we made good friends, and to those of you who didn't enter..... you missed it..... but I got more track time!!!! There were 50+ cars registered, hopefully there will be more sevens next year. As I mentioned to one ( unnamed) cobra guy, who is building a Seven " Welcome to the Dark Side, Luke.... I am your Father":mad:


here are the pics of the sidepod

http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/883984650_DSC_4493 (Medium).JPG


http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/342483084_DSC_4494 (Medium).JPG


I didn't realize that Mark Scott was from Riley & Scott. Heck, I had a famous car builder at my house for sandwiches and beer, and I didn't know it. He is a regular guy, and didn't mention his background. I should have got his autograph. As a Corvette owner, I can only be impressed by the great job Riley & Scott did on the C5R which was so dominant in the sports car arena.


:D ain't it cool who you meet as a result of being a seven owner?:D :d


Like the Automobile article said...... SEVENS RULE :smash:

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Hey Mazda,

The side pods on the red Stalker and black Stalker are for three purposes according to Jim from Sugar Grove Racing. (1) act as a cone kicker for auto-x events to save the rear wings, (2) a nifty number plate such as 185 and 592, (3) plans are to add a bottom plate and top hinged and padded cover to provide some storage for rain gear, maps, ect.

The addition was well excecuted by the assemblers Jim, Ron and Mike of Sugar Grove Racing.


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Hey Mazda,

The side pods on the red Stalker and black Stalker are for three purposes according to Jim from Sugar Grove Racing. (1) act as a cone kicker for auto-x events to save the rear wings, (2) a nifty number plate such as 185 and 592, (3) plans are to add a bottom plate and top hinged and padded cover to provide some storage for rain gear, maps, ect.

The addition was well excecuted by the assemblers Jim, Ron and Mike of Sugar Grove Racing.



Thanks. Pretty neat.

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Great video Dennis. You use a few lines that are a little different than mine. Since you were the fastest on the roval I am going to give your line a try next year. It was great fun tainted with a big dose of disappointment for me but I will be back next year. Loren

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When I watch vids like Dennis' here and Jeff U's track time, I understand that some folks have a lot higher threshold for speed than I do...and that's even when I'm behind the wheel, Mazda :D


Impressive stuff.

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