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Artistic input wanted.


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Back to the fountain of wisdom.

I noticed a lot of the members here are artistic and creative types and thought I would ask for ideas. My car has been modified so much from the original state that I now consider it my own. When people have asked me what it is I have not had a new name for it. Last fall I was doing a track day and realized I could hang with cars above my paygrade, and it came to me: "This is heresy. This combination of steel and plastic should not be able to do this". So I thought I would call it the Heretic.

I am posting this to ask anyone who has the talent and inclination to come up with a graphic or logo and a font for the word Heretic. I would like to put a name on her and perhaps an emblem. Any takers? It might be fun to see what comes up.

Thanks in advance,









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Okay, here's a quick 'n dirty stab at one.

Playing around with a stylized H using the "forked devil tail" idea. Hey, it's a Heretic, after all.

As a lot of old marque logos include the town where they were built, I figured a state location would be apropos. Not sure where you live (MA? NJ?), so I took a guess.






But then again, given how you've properly upset the heavier iron at the track, arriving as you did at the Heretic moniker, how about this?

Might over-torque some folks' BVDs, though. :D





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Okay, here's a quick 'n dirty stab at one.

Playing around with a stylized H using the "forked devil tail" idea. Hey, it's a Heretic, after all.

As a lot of old marque logos include the town where they were built, I figured a state location would be apropos. Not sure where you live (MA? NJ?), so I took a guess.






But then again, given how you've properly upset the heavier iron at the track, arriving as you did at the Heretic moniker, how about this?

Might over-torque some folks' BVDs, though. :D





The second layout had me laughing as I own some of that HEAVY GERMAN STEEL and have had some members of the local Porsche Club complain and have even protested to the local club president when I have shown up with my 7 at a club sponsored Autocross as they all know that they will have to really push and drive their P-cars very well to get FTD and yes I have been a member since 1970 so they let me run my 7 as most of the members don't have as many years in the club.


:D :d I VOTE for the second Logo. :rofl: :rofl:

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I vote for the second one !! love the idea of torquing up the "pose-ers"


reminds me of when Burt Levy published "Montezuma's Ferrari" with his chili pepper logo.... had Maranello's lawyers onn their rev limiters :hurray:

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Thanks guys,

Well I guess it is time to break out the sawzall and fiberglass again. Obviously not modified enough! Yes it started life as a Fury, I bought it in England with a Rover V8 and no legroom. The changes I made include replacing the rear axle and brakes, the front hubs and brakes, modify front of frame, change the engine/trans to a Hayabusa setup, new dashboard and instruments, paddle gearshifter, modify hood and wheelarches, move pedals 13" forward, change pedal assembly. That is all I can think of for now. I am mocking up the hardware to put a turbocharger on her but I will have to make a hole or blister in the hood to acomodate the plenum and additional injectors. I really hate to make more fiberglass work for myself and would love to find a clear lexan blister about 14"X3" or bigger that I could incorporate, like the 50's sports racers that I love. Any ideas?

As those who have done this stuff before know, when one is making changes with unclear outcomes I need to redo a few of the details to make them more efficient or aestethically pleasing, but overall I am very happy with the outcome.

Thanks for the input on the design and please keep the ideas coming.




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Thanks guys for the input.

I appreciate your design input and understanding of what I want, but I agree with the idea of torquing the the BVD's of those with "more serious cars". Aside from my having lots of room for improvement on the driving side of the equation, it is not in my personality to pour gasoline on a fire and an inverted Tutonic shield or prancing horse would be a lot less cordial an impression than I would like to make. Think "sleeper". Somewhere between the bottom logo and a pink teddy bear : )


Innominatus and Martin,

I sent you guys a PM a few days ago but do not know if you got it. Let me know and I will send it again. I got no confirmation on my end.






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I agree with the idea of torquing the the BVD's of those with "more serious cars".

They may be more expensive but none of them is any more serious (and fun) a sports car than a Se7en.



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It's not so much whether the cars themselves are serious, so much as whether their respective owners are over-serious!


Innominatus and Martin,

I sent you guys a PM a few days ago but do not know if you got it. Let me know and I will send it again. I got no confirmation on my end.


Got it -- I just sent a reply back.



I will have to make a hole or blister in the hood to acomodate the plenum and additional injectors. I really hate to make more fiberglass work for myself and would love to find a clear lexan blister about 14"X3" or bigger that I could incorporate, like the 50's sports racers that I love. Any ideas?


Paul Frere approves of your idea:





One thought for getting the right shape in the Lexan is to look around in the local aircraft modeler's community.

Your application might be too big to be done using their methods, but then again, maybe those guys have ways of vacuum-forming Lexan up to that 3"x14" size?

The shape of the hood blister and the sliding part of a 1/12 scale P-51D canopy are not at all dissimilar.

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