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Find the Hidden Camera


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Just 10 for me. Do radar detectors work on their speed cameras?


The Valentine 1 for the euro market works.

Instead of radar detectors, the market in the UK is for GPS based speed camera detectors which are used in conjunction with a subscription to a database of speed cameras. Updates are included, but vary in accuracy depending on the price of the unit :rolleyes: .


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The Valentine 1 for the euro market works.

Instead of radar detectors, the market in the UK is for GPS based speed camera detectors which are used in conjunction with a subscription to a database of speed cameras. Updates are included, but vary in accuracy depending on the price of the unit :rolleyes: .


Since most of the speed cameras seem to be mounted in cars and vans which can move to new locations at any time, it seems the GPS detectors wouldn't be of much use unless they have real time GPS location of the cameras.

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The biggest problem in the UK is that the cameras are everywhere, I mean everywhere. The majority being fixed position locations (more cost effective ) and they rotate the activations to stop familiarity,lol.

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