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I am offering up one recently neutered and beaten down Male Ego. Although I suspected that this day would eventually arrive... it happened much sooner than I expected. Be that as it is, the time has come to part with what has for many years been a functional, perhaps over blown Male Ego. I am sure that with the right owner and proper encouragement, it can be brought back to it's previous levels.


I am willing to let this go cheap. It really has no future value to me. In fact, it has been removed from it's normal place and now resides in a small jar on my Wife's bookshelf. I am not looking for much. Perhaps a bag of soft foam ear plugs, or a set of ear-muffs or anything else that blank out unwanted sounds such as "WOOO HOOOO, Who's yer MAMMA? Can't touch this..etc...etc.....


As evidence of my willingness to part with this 'no longer useful' piece of my make up.... I present one of TWO runs by my wife, both of which beat my best time.

[/url] (not enough body count for course workers at todays practice event, so everyone had to deal with some downed cones)

Open to offers.... in it's shrunken state, shipping will be minimal... Yellow_Colorz_PDT_08


PSSSTTT.... Mary...., down here......just between you and me....... there is still tomorrow... :twisted:


How sad is that.... now you'll have to wash all the clothes and start dinner when you get home while she unloads the car and spends her time in the garage wiping it down etc...


Don't forget to get her a beer while she watches SCCA racing on SpeedTV and tells you what they're doing wrong. Next time you beat her she'll start accusing you of changing the car set-up to favor you...






Just kidding, I wish I could get my wife to go out there and share the feeling. Your a lucky man. I bet you'll be able to get a lot more performance parts and go to more tracks as she's into it as well. Enjoy it!


You put her in the seat , she loves it and is driving great. You are the real winner!!!!


Enjoy your cooking !!!! LOL

Posted (edited)

Well, at least there is a chance to redeem myself tomorrow. Today was a test and tune, tomorrow is points.... uh oh, there goes the timer. Gotta go get the chicken wings out of the oven and get her a cold drink...:smilielol5:



I do have to agree, I am lucky to have her enjoy it so much. It does make it easy to hit a lot of events!

Edited by snookwheel

Many years ago, a good friend of mine built a Datsun 510 for autocross. Both he and his wife drove the car, and this was before the popularity of Ladies Classes, so they ran head to head.


In almost every case, she beat him, sometimes but fairly large time differences.


The problem he had was that he enjoyed having the car sliding, getting the tail out and powering it around the course. She felt less comfortable on "the edge", and therefore drove a tighter, less dramatic line - which of course, was the fastest way to do it.


He realized this was the case, but never was able to "slow down" to go fast!


Ken Edney

Chandler, AZ


One of my fellow auto-xer's famously remarked that if his daughter ever beat him, he'd wear a dress to the next auto-x (which he did:)).


Yesterday Lotus Owners of South Texas (LOST) held a timed event at the Houston Police Academy. The husband in an Elise was beaten solidlly by the wife in a Nissan 350Z. The husband drove aggressively and on appearance he looked fast. The wife was super smooth and just glide around the track. Timer does not lie.


By the way, Ken (speedcraft) took FTD in his Fireblade Caterham on Avon slicks.

Posted (edited)

Powderbrake, you hit it right on the head! She is the Queen of smooth! However, for TODAY!!!.....



REDEMPTION!!!! The Time/Space Continuum has been restored. For the time being at least. I fear that I may be posting again soon.. But for today, the balance has been restored. But only by 1/2 second:blush:

Edited by snookwheel
  • 1 month later...

She was cheating...... Didn't you see the little helper she had in the top right of the windshield??


If that wasp wasn't flapping its wings against the windshield, effectively pushing the car to help her go faster, you would have had her.


I would have to call that cheating. So it doesn't count.



Good luck on the sale of your ego. I sold mine for a cookie.


What kind of cookie??? Was there coconut in it? I love coconut! I could make a deal..... of course, I would have to check with my wife. She is Lord & Master now:willy_nilly:


Actually, I am in the final stages of installing the power steering. If everything works, I am screwed!


I have the MR2 pump mounted, power steering Chevette rack installed and hoses on. Now, just the wiring.



Psssst.... down here... just between us guys...I may install a hidden on/off switch so I can ... you know... uh... selectively apply the benefits of power steering:devil:






Psssst.... down here... just between us guys...I may install a hidden on/off switch so I can ... you know... uh... selectively apply the benefits of power steering:devil:

That still will not help you as your wife seems to have that under control even without power steering......:jester:......


OUCH!!! That's cold. Factual, but still cold.:ack:


We get to test it at an AutoX soon! It really does transform the way you can drive it. The pump is very quiet.



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