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New "kid" on the block

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Hello USA7s,


Found this site from the list in the current Sports & Exotic Car issue article on the 7 and it's iterrations.


Here's what sits in my garage when not out on the back roads of the Sierra foothills. As for the license plate, KAR120C was already taken. Loved the original run of The Prisoner in 1967 so when I did up the 7 I figured the plate and surround would pique interest. And I can tell the "age" of those who know where the statement comes from!


Anyway, I hope I can contribute something worthwhile to the group.

Lotus 7 at home 6-15-08 001A.jpg

Lotus 7 at home 6-15-08 005A.jpg

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Yes, that's me on simplesevens and a brief account of the restoration.

I'll post somemore photos and specs in the next day or two in the "Rides" section.

Meanwhile, anyone interest in the process can read the simplesevens story.

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Welcome. I am not too far away in Incline up at Lake Tahoe. My car is nearly finished - but is a "modern" Birkin. I would be interested to hear of any groups you are a part of in the area.


I attend, weather permitting:), a group called Euro Sunday: http://www.eurosunday.net/index.html.


They meet at various locations around the Sacramento area on the fourth Sunday of the month. It's early...8-10AM...so you'd need to leave Tahoe at "oh-dark-thirty".

After the low key get together, there is often a planned tour/drive to another location, sometimes for lunch, etc.


Other than that, I take the 7 to the Auburn Cruise Nights (2nd Friday May-Sept) in downtown Auburn. But they take only pre 1972 cars.

http://www.auburncruisenite.com/ for details and history photos.

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