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Thanks for helping everyone. I'm closing this poll out now.Al Navarro2007-03-08 06:11:05


ooh, ooh, I got it











I guess that's not one of the choices.


USA7s Pacific Northwest Tour sounds good. Maybe a little late because the preparation activities are winding down. So everybody who is supposed to come already knows. As it turned out the number of participants has dwindled quite a bit. Obviously it is really difficult to get more people involved in something that takes 2+ weeks. With vacation time at premium this is a bigger problem than in the UK. Anyway, even with the smaller group (11-14 cars) I am sure we are going to have a lot of fun.




I am wondering if Al Gore is going to get his >concert series going that is announced to be on 7-7-7 in seven cities around the world. As environmentally conscious people you want to push the Se7ens along the ToD http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/eek6.gif Would save speeding tickets, too http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/biggrin5.gif




Gert slomove2007-02-19 17:41:13


Six stinkin' votes?




Please, I've had a bad day at work. Give me something to cheer me up!! http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/cryin.gif


If the Make 7 Up Yours campaign doesn't cheer you up, we can't help you http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/smile5.gif


"50th anniversary meet" sounds like we've been meeting annually for 50 years.




I prefer "Se7ens at the Dragon" and "7/7/07 50 years of Se7ens"




Rob Mitchell


solder_guy2007-02-21 21:01:33


I'm officially twice as happy as I was yesterday.








Rob, I think you have a point regarding the anniversary thing. But that might not be a negative...could be a great talking point: "No, it's not our 50th meeting...it was the 50th anniversary of the original Seven."




That said, perhaps this works better?




USA7s at the Dragon - Celebrating 50 years of Se7ens




I'll leave this poll up for another week or so before setting the art folks on it.


USA7s at the Dragon - Celebrating 50 years of Se7ens QUOTE]








I like that one, please change my vote from the 50th Anniversary to this one.






...50 Years of Se7ening




its a philosophy, ya know! http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/smile5.gifBoxologist2007-02-22 12:52:51


what about "Tail Of The Se7en". Its has the "Tail" of the Dragon event in it, and also has the Tail "Story/History from the past 50 years" of the 7 in it.




Deman USA

USA7s at the Dragon - Celebrating 50 years of Se7ens




I like this one too! Move my vote from #2 to #6.




what about "Tail Of The Se7en"




I think that I prefer the dragon part of the title.




Rob M.


solder_guy2007-02-22 18:07:47






Although I lean toward Rob's sentiment, I kind of like your suggestion...enough to put it up in the poll, at least.




Remember all, I reset the poll setting so that you can vote again.






Just to add to the explanation of my title "Tail Of the Se7en", tail also incorporates that in the future, when people talk about the event, they can start off the topic as if they were starting to talk about an historic moment. Let me tell you a story about the "Tail Of The Se7en"..




Thanks for the additional votes/participation. I've cut a few of the laggards off, so please feel free to cast your votes for those left standing.




Jon-I will make you a special shirt with that one! Do you prefer the first or second "Choice Voided"?   http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/biggrin5.gif

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