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I really enjoy old HiFi Gear.

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I just scored an old Harmon Kardon 430 twin powered receiver for free. Sounds awesome. One man's trash is another man's treasure.

HK 430 TP.jpg


Awesome find. I remember when an amp was a symbol of taste. The centre piece of a man's den (cave). All cool nakamichi black with a soft glowing power button. Pressing that button was followed by an electric hum as the machine prepared to turn current into clean sharp sound energy. Put on "Dark Side of the Moon" Man!


Before the internet, before the CD, before the ipod. Good times


I have a closet that my wife calls old junk, I call it "The Museum" :cooldude:


I have my old Teac reel to reel, Dual TurnTable, Big Sony receiver with dual power meters, Cassete tape deck, and some vintage JBL speakers. I've tried to set them up a few times but she always finds them and threatens to put them on ebay. Each pieces is nice and heavy so I doubt that she could lift them. :jester: I think the speakers weight close to 60 lbs each. Ah, the good ole stuff.




Those McIntosh amps and preamps were waaay too expensive for me as a 20 year old. Even now, go on to ebay and look at the prices of those old beasts. Karl you were way ahead of your time if you had that as part of your system in your youth.:flag:


Love McIntosh amps


Bought my first amp and preamp back in the sixtys. Have had one ever since.

They still shake the place. When my kids were young they wiped out too many good speakers, but would do it all over again.

Posted (edited)

I helped my kids put one of these together last winter, it sounds fantastic. Please both my kids loved building it. Nothing like a tube amp.


Edited by GBOLT



Got it from a guy who is a dealer in Canada. He's a great guy search ebay for - ELEKIT TU-870R 6BM8 Tube Power AMP (Kit). Victor is the guys name, and he is top notch.


My next project is a set of these - tritrix mtm tl speakers.



Hey gbolt. Thanks. I was looking at the chinese prebuilt. The japanese based kit looks cool and probably has better components. I have little if any solder experience. How tought is the solder work?

  yellowss7 said:
Those McIntosh amps and preamps were waaay too expensive for me as a 20 year old. Even now, go on to ebay and look at the prices of those old beasts. Karl you were way ahead of your time if you had that as part of your system in your youth.:flag:


I got them about 10 years ago, as a youth it was 8-track tapes and transistor radios!


I run a Knight KG-240 and a set of Wharfedale 10.1's in my office, and a Modified new production Dynaco ST35 with a matching pre-amp, and a set of Dynaco A-25 speakers in my family room. Both setups sound way better than people think that should.




Posted (edited)
  twobone said:
Hey gbolt. Thanks. I was looking at the chinese prebuilt. The japanese based kit looks cool and probably has better components. I have little if any solder experience. How tought is the solder work?


It was easy enough for my 10 and 12 year old's to complete. Really straight forward, just need some basic resistor information, and you have to watch the orientation of the caps and diode's. Instructions were really clear. My son went on to build several other items afterwards.


I would recommend a good solder station though, cheap tool = bad result. Mine cost about $100, Hakko FX888 ESD-Safe Soldering Station


I have the build manual in pdf, I forward it to you.

Edited by GBOLT

Yep, even I still got my old JVC Quad 4 system I bought in 1975, along with a Sony dual cassette deck, JVC fan cooled 8-Track, Sansui strobe turntable, Teac headphones etc, even got all the original literature and brochures.

Been thinking recently of taking it out of storage and installing it in the garage.

Nice conversational pieces as well as great sound.



  twobone said:
Hey gbolt. Thanks. I was looking at the chinese prebuilt. The japanese based kit looks cool and probably has better components. I have little if any solder experience. How tought is the solder work?


Manual sent

Posted (edited)

Back in '77, I was your typical Air Force Wingnut that was into high fidelity. Had the 10in reel to reel, where I recorded my brand new albums (and rarely played them on the phonograph to keep them prestine).

I had some trick tower Infiniti speakers and this bitchin 400/4000 - amp/pre-amp set up:








Oh, to be young, single, and without a care...





Edited by Mondo

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