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New toy on its way home

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Picked up my new to me Birkin today. Late start but we got about 1/3 of the 850 mile trip done. Left arm is tired from having to wave at all the thumbs ups I got. The young kids with the tuners and the bikers were the ones who seemed to like it the most.


Thought the temp gauge was broken until I figured out it was a centigrade gauge.


The footwell gets REALLY hot in stop and go traffic. Ran into 4 different traffic jams due to accidents on this trip so far.



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Picked up my new to me Birkin today. Late start but we got about 1/3 of the 850 mile trip done. Left arm is tired from having to wave at all the thumbs ups I got. The young kids with the tuners and the bikers were the ones who seemed to like it the most.


Thought the temp gauge was broken until I figured out it was a centigrade gauge.


The footwell gets REALLY hot in stop and go traffic. Ran into 4 different traffic jams due to accidents on this trip so far.






Deb and I were wondering how you were making out, I lost the bet though as I told her you would be at least half way home by now. Wish you a safe trip, and hope your wife is talking to you again ;)


Bill S.



PS: Pictures of the trip, don't forget to take and post pictures of the trip :hurray:

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Got into some rain today and had to put up the top. Left the doors off so that I could see out the sides. Besides at 70mph the rain just blasts by. Trying to figure out how to post pictures from my android.

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Got into some rain today and had to put up the top. Left the doors off so that I could see out the sides. Besides at 70mph the rain just blasts by. Trying to figure out how to post pictures from my android.


I use a site called Photobucket. You can use the site or app to upload photos to Photobucket, and the site stores your photos, offering different ways to link to them.


Copy an image code on your phone and you can paste it in lines of text in a reply.


The App.



Hope this helps......and selfishly I can't wait to see the pictures.

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The only real problem we had was when I was caught in traffic and an 18 wheeler ran over something that I couldn't. There was a part of a truck tire on the road and by the time I saw it there was no place to go. The only damage was to the splitter in the rear. I had to stop at Lowes to get the correct size torx wrench to get it off. Of course a thunderstorm moved in while I was under the car trying to get the splitter loose. :nopity:


Below is a picture taken right After the storm.





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Great color to be seen. Bummer about the damage though. I tend to drive miles back from any truck just in case. Worried about rocks being thrown up or a chunk of tire hitting me in the face.

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