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  • Location
    Owings Mills, MD
  • Se7en
    Caterham Superlight R

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  1. Two sheets of thin aluminum with some bearing grease between them works well. Just make sure the aluminum is wide enough for the front tires. Jim
  2. WOW! So sorry for your loss. Can't imagine. Jim
  3. I used Bears transport to send an Elan from Austin TX to Baltimore. They are brokers but had excellent reviews on Rennlist. They were easy to deal with and since the car did not start, I did not want a large trailer that the car might need to be moved on and off a bunch of times. They found a 3 car trailer for me and fulfilled everything I asked them to do. You can try them at (847) 810-7641. Ask for Liz. Jim
  4. Does that work for the Elan as well? Jim
  5. Thats pretty impressive Charlie- especially living in NYC! Jim
  6. Posted June 12, 2005 The thickness info is AP vented Front disc 18 mm thick new replaced at 16.4mm Hants (North) and Berkshire Area club site here My racing info site here Above is what I found online. That is all the guys who inspected mine wanted when they signed my car off. Jim
  7. Demoray, I did my inspection quite a while ago and unfortunately I’m not sure if the gas station I used still does inspections. I would tell you to stay away from a larger franchise type of place like NTB, Merchants etc…. I don’t know anywhere to send you down in Millersville. I looked online. Try- https://97automotive.com. Just looks like somewhere that may work. Call them first and ask if they have any problem inspecting a Caterham. Hope it helps.
  8. My suggestion for dealing with MD red tape is to talk to some of your car guy friends and find an inspector who is "car friendly". I registered mine about 9 yrs ago but all my inspector wanted to know was the min. thickness of the front brake rotors. I did take it one place first where I thought they would happily inspect it and they gave me MULTIPLE BS reasons why they couldn't inspect it. Jim
  9. Legs, That mint looks nice! Look forward to seeing the build. Jim
  10. Great seeing everyone over the weekend again and chasing each other on track. It's always nice to see people who have come down just to look at the cars and decide if they want to pull the trigger on a purchase. Love what they've done to turn 1. It's now basically makes turns 1 & 2 into one big sweeping turn with a blind track out over turn 2. The weather on track held out great. I left around 3:00 on Sunday and 8 miles west of the track, it was pouring and really windy. Thanks to Mike and Tom as always for organizing! Hope to see everyone again next year. Jim
  11. I'll be rolling in early Friday AM. Look forward to seeing everyone.
  12. All signed up and ready to go. Crawled under the car to nut & bolt and found 6 rivets missing from the floor on drivers side!! Repaired with some stainless rivets instead of the aluminum ones that were there. That should fix it but I'll keep an eye on it. The harness won't keep me in the car if the floor falls out. See everybody Friday AM.
  13. Well- not sure what it was but it seems to have resolved with driving the car around. Might have been the clutch disc stuck to the flywheel and driving it around freed it up? Thanks for the suggestions.
  14. Guys- got in the car today for a blat and couldn't get the car into reverse. Lots of grinding gears. The clutch is hydraulic. When I last had it with George Alderman in Wilmington,DE- he adjusted the clutch so that it had about 2-3 inches of pedal travel in total directly off of the firewall. It's been this way for the past 4 years. Made it super easy to heel/toe quickly. I have noted recently some difficulty at times getting into 1st and- have to push down more firmly on the shifter to get into reverse. Checked fluid- maybe 2 mm down. Adding fluid didn't make any difference. I know there is some adjustment for the push rod into the clutch master cylinder. How would I know if it's something with the slave cylinder? Thanks!
  15. Guess just luck of the draw. I had multiple problems with EGR coolers and catalytic convertors on my Touraeg. All covered under warranty however. I know multiple people who have owned Cayenne diesels without those issues. Who know's? Engine is the same as the VW although the trans is different and have never heard of any issues with that on the Cayennes. It pulls my trailer and 7 like they're not there. Probably about 4,500 lbs.
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