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  • Biography
    Married, two children, two grandkids. Restored a few Europas (long time ago) but always wanted a Seven after a ride in 1972.
  • Location
    Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Interests
    running and figuring stuff out, ie learning
  • Occupation
    Mech Engineer retired
  • Se7en
    '58 S1 #449

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  1. I share your passion for the older S1s and their histories. (my 69th birthday is in two days). I found mine in 2018 but have not stopped reading everything John Watson and others have written on the HLR website and in the archives of Lowflying. I also corresponded with John but only sparingly as most information is available on line. I have to admit I almost have as much fun connecting dots on my car that I did not know existed as I do driving it. I still search anything "7" and just stumbled on a S1 for sale in France, MK7 422. https://www.francolembo.com/en/car/very-original-early-lotus-mark-vii-1958/ It comes with the original 100E but fitted with a FWB. I did inquire and the price is 75K Euros, so $100K or so once in the US. I'm sure some things are original, some period and others recreations. The small chassis plate was in fact used until they were replaced with the larger ones. The real question is what original parts (aside from the chassis plate) are important to you. For me, even if I was interested (I'm not) I would want to know a documented list of all previous owners from day one with pictures. Even then, certain original parts are more emotional to me, like the frame, the nose, steering wheel, running lights, and other parts that have an interesting history. Good luck with your search.
  2. Looks great Henry! My body has too many dents/bruises (my 7 too) to count so removing them is not the goal maybe even feature those hard earned ones with the polished surfaces. I'll try some of the tips/products you have. Each one has a story wish I knew some of them. Steve
  3. I'm looking forward to seeing the responses. I have the same clearance (a 7 with a CC) and was worried about strikes. I do not drive over "aggressive" speed bumps (like in parking lots) as they certainly would touch. but the larger ones (on the road) are ok. I also keep a watch, or avoid, steep entry driveways but no issues so far. My car has a welded tube behind the sump and it has seen hits in its life. Odd, the sump is clean, maybe previous owners backed over question marks first:) But never an issue on the road.
  4. Bad luck but fixable. For the bonnet a body shop with aluminum experience should have no problems. Find one that handles Tesla and they should have the skills.
  5. I use a 4 mile highway loop to check a/f changes or component repairs/changes. Decided to flip on the camera for fun, it captured a "dink" at 3:12 which turns out to be a rear prop shaft nut/bolt "leaving" home. I also noticed a vibration so the others were suspect as well. I was only one mile into my loop so with the help of a good samaritan giving me a ride back to retrieve the trailer, the car and I escaped unharmed. The couple who picked me up drove an old pick up in very poor condition and clearly did not have funds to fix their muffler that was louder than the seven. I gave them funds to replace their muffler and consider this experience a win, win, win. Who knew that this experience would have left both me and my new friends with a smile on our faces feeling better about everything. I replaced all four prop bolts/nuts and found no damage yea!. The plugs looked perfect and no miss up to 6K woooo! A good day.
  6. FastG I decided to make a video. Apparently I'm unable to think and talk at the same time but maybe you'll get an idea of the Aluma mods. https://youtu.be/CAur44aStNs
  7. Fastg - I will take pictures and detail the mods. Stay tuned. BlueBDA - I may have gone your route if I "started over". The 7's nose misses, but our 911 would require ramps for skirt clearance. But that's a daily and no need to tow. Driving up the ramp in the 7 was spooky at first especially with the Tilton race clutch.
  8. An older thread but a mod that may help the new owner or someone else with this trailer. I have a 77x12 Aluma tilt and S1 1957 7. On unloading you will notice the jump when the front wheels pass a balance point. I was concerned the sump or something may take a hit. The other issue is the bed started drifing up when at rest leaving a 5" gap to the ground tilted with no car.. I suspect some gas leak. My solution was to change the gas spring from a 200# to 250#. I worked with Alegis (gas spring manuf) and the price was under $20. The stronger spring has the same 10" stroke but is about 1 inch longer. So Yyou will need to drill two new mounting holes to let the new spring close. Also order new spring mounts, still 5/6-18 threads but 1/2" dis balls vs the 3/8 on OEM. $3. Also note Alegis told me the gas spring seal goes down not up as installed by Aluma. When up the seal dries out more quickly. I made other mods and will post some pictures. Hand winch (car not under power), integrated ratchet straps, rock guard, tool box, etc.
  9. So how does it handle? Handles like a go cart. Actually it really is a cart, a golf cart. Seriously, there is a niche for an EV7 but hard to say how many will buy in. Maybe an expanded base who would not have been a 7 owner. Side story, I was changing the Pertronix ignitor(7 with a Climax) just yesterday in our condo garage when I heard what sounded like a golf cart behind me, It was the lady with a Tesla who parks along side the Seven. I know they are crazy fast, bit it was just weird.
  10. Thanks for this video and pointing me to Ivan's Utube channel. I've binge watched his videos, what fun. I can't wait to practice his crisp shift from 2nd to 3rd.
  11. I just heard a fellow from the Manhattan Institute who presented information to congress last week. His point was the battery mining and production represent a much larger impact on the Earth than fossil fuels. The difference is the US is simply exporting the harmful emissions to other countries, but not to worry, the US can boast greenhttps://www.manhattan-institute.org/mines-minerals-and-green-energy-reality-check
  12. Henry, I read through your thread on your S2 last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. Loved the history and the restore pictures with details. Cool Elan and garage too. thanks Steve
  13. I just noticed that Henry's comments was about Ginger (dog, spouse, child ) attacking the mayor of Rabbit Hash. (not the car's story, whoops) That story may be more exciting than the car's history.
  14. SSENC (Henry) asked about the story of the car. Anything 62 years old has stories to tell and I'm still discovering some of them for the car. I attached a PDF of what I've learned so far. Steve S1 Story for USA7.pdf
  15. Thanks! Steve
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