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    old, grew up- south haven, mich-las cruces, nm- ft wayne/ la fountin, in- grand junction co-- ticaboo, ut-- present. ocu physics student / small mgmt
  • Location
    golden valley, az
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  • Se7en
    superformance s1

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  1. I live in the desert AND have a heater and to be honest consider AC some days. Going fast is fun, doing it in comfort is living a dream.
  2. As a person with size 13 feet that actually need a ee width, I don't do heel/toe even in my f150. But a bubble in the foot well is not that hard to construct. Fortunately my Superformance S1 accommodates my feet adequately. But if it didn't there would be a "dogleg" in my side bars. The customer is always right. And most of us are not "jockeys". john
  3. a total should sell for 30% of retail value (at best).
  4. My 86 rx-7 was the most pleasant car to work on. Sold my Miata NA (cause it was hurting my back) and bought a Jag xj8, what an owners delight! sic. Like the Superformance and the Rotus based car. john
  5. this is also true (but even more so because of the vast amount of electronics) in virtually all makes after the year 2000. we are buying autos comprised of an assembly of blocks just like the old Japanese transistor radios in the 60s, just much more expensive. we are not only not allowed to work on our cars- but we who know how cannot afford the time to do a postmortem and reverse engineer the parts in order to keep them still going. it actually started in the 60s. I have a 2007 highlander hybrid that is not that complex, and a full set of factory Toyota manuals (26 lbs of them) that show very little electrical documentation, but do instruct the mechanics how to remove the box and replace it at the cost of several hundred dollars, when the actual problem is a poorly designed multi conductor cable deep inside the "box or unit". We the people are getting hosed!!
  6. like I said "run like hel" and don't look back. and don't forget that there has been a lot of flooding in the past year. and snow.
  7. I think today it will get weighed, not as finished, but worth only 1/10th as much.
  8. Never used professional equipment, and have never had the steering wheel centered after a so called professional aligned a car for me. So i have 2 4' long hollow steel shelves hanging on mu wall and a level/protractor. set caster by eye. I personally like a lot of caster (added 3 deg to my motor-home and ran 20+ deg in the off road car. And my steering wheel is always centered in the car and in the box or rack. I care others don't. john
  9. There are many good reasons why "flood " cares are totaled and unless this is unusual the car would have to be striped down to the frame and the rust inside neutralized or a new frame built or purchased. An then every other part not hermetically sealed opened and washed. I just recently looked at a 2016 Silverado and ran home fast because it had been in Florida. I took a s-10 two years old to the beach in Mexico with me and started home with a truck that needed a new top panel because I had just primed it, and not painted it. And fresh water is almost as bad. john PS it is worth 1/2 of what you can buy a slightly abused equivalent.
  10. Possibly heat distortion from dragging, either pad backing or caliper.
  11. JB, I printed off your tuning guide. It made good sense to me and I shall profit from your experience. Got a wide-band when I first started messing with rotaries and discovered how easy it was to tune a carburetor with one! Still have some webers and dellortos and still hate them far to complicated especially the 48. But thanks a lot for the info. john Ironically my favorite for draw thru is a 2" SU.
  12. Paul (ptegler) as usual I am behind the 8 ball. But since I am planning to sell the car soon it is time for me to sort through my file on it. may be a while. john
  13. "If it feels good, do it" . Age is of little consequence, stay within your budget. Anyone can learn all they need to take care of a car in 3 years max if they are willing to work. As far as carbs, vs FI- the only thing fi can do better is adjust mixture for air density change ( I ran a single 2'' su on a draw through turbo at pike's peak and it ran clean from 5k to 14k and gave 300hp from 164ci for a very short time. Personally I find computer controlled fi to be easier to work on and more reliable (try to tune a weber 48). As for 2 vs 4 stroke, the 2 stroke hits twice as often and is simpler, more fowl smelling and harder on plugs, but produces about 1 1/2 the power for size and weight, while lasting half as long. I have 2ea 7ish cars with 2 stroke turbocharged rotaries and love them but the day is coming when they will be obsolete. The previous is opinion only. and lastly-- if you have or can get lots of sheckles just find a good maintenance shop and pretend your name is penske. john canning 82 and still partly functional.
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