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USA7s at the Dragon Photo/Video Thread

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I figured I'd start this over here as a catch-all for posting/viewing posted or linked photos and videos of the July 6-8 Tail of the Dragon meet. As Mazda mentioned in another thread, we're exploring a way to have consolidated photo and video hosting (via something like Flickr and/or a Youtube "guru" account).

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Paul and I were going to bring our flat screen t.v., and show the video we record of that day from our camcorder. i will have the t.v. next to our car.


Dino Trakas

Deman USA

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We're supposed to have a projector and screeen...so we can show vids at the Dinners too..



BTW, if any one happens to have a computer digital video output to VGA cable, please bring it. I don't know if I brought mine (not that we'll need my laptop).


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alright... i do have at least a couple of vids, but they'll have to wait until I edit them...

Here are some pics from today.





Scott Lentz on right, Russ Strough (near), and SteveT on left. In the back of the table, My wife Gail on right, sitting across from Al's wife, Laura. To the left of my wife, 4 year old son, Ryan. To her right, 7 year old son, Cameron. Girl in blue shirt is Izabel (probably bad spelling), and to her right is Ava (Al's daughters).



Guy in Orange is my nephew, Arya, who provided tool support.



Chuck Spera and his famous hat



Tony V on left, Dick Brink, Mike, Dean on right.




Jeff Underwood


Kevin's wife (can't remember the name, and THANK YOU for refreshments at the autox)


Journalist from Jalopnic in the driver's seat, Doug Autopro is the passenger.



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Very :mad: ride home, but the 7 didn't miss a beat in 1200 miles. Fantastic weekend - thanks to Al, Mazda and all the other 7 nuts out there; it was a pleasure to meet you.


A few photos (no doubt there will be a few more to come)...


http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/1843636611_birthday cakes.JPG

http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/1694795981_Dragon slayer.JPG

http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/442588948_enter the dragon.JPG

http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/247355509_helping hand.JPG

http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/647107378_look at the shine on that.JPG


http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/1825674287_series 1 X 2.JPG



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I have some pictures to post as well, but have to get them off of the camera still.


I did have time to get my autocross video in useable form. Five of the six runs are included. The last run was shaping up pretty good until the cone carnage near the end. Man, I need to get an autocross tire setup...




R1 Locost Autocross Video

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OK, So I have updated my web site and have included a gallery of some of the better shots from 777.


Locost Gallery 777


Here are a few teasers...














What a great weekend!

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A big thanks to Al, Mazda, and everyone else for all the work they did in organizing a GREAT event!! :hurray: It was great to meet all of you, and Nancy and I had a great time even though my car was not done in time to take to the event. A special thank you to Jon (Boxologist), Russ, and Cherik for reminding me what a blast these cars are by taking me for a ride!! :D


Here's a couple pics until I get a chance to go through the rest. The first one is of Steve T. driving on I-81 to the event. I saw him buzz by when we were stopped in a rest area. By the time we got going he had a couple minutes head start but by exceeding the speed limit by just a small amount (honest officer!!) :D we were able to chase him down and take a few pics!! We were in our MINI at the time and had never met him so he must have thought we were nuts!!




The second one is an original Series 1 that we were following on RT 28 over to Fontana Village for the group photo. I'm sorry that I don't have the name of the owner yet...




More to come, Bruce


PS: Hope everyone got home safe and sound!


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Al here.


I'm at a friend's house near DC for the night.


I'm uploading some pix from my wife's camera now, but it might take a while to edit/rez them down.

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Photo dump!


"Tail of the Dragon" Ninco Slot car track designed by Sportcraft Cars






The JPE built by Bill P. that was raffled off



Mazda & Ryan



Folis in his Birkin





Phil A, DickB, and Patty A





Chuck's WCM...Norm B, Sallie R, Karen S, Steve (Ken G's pal and co-driver in farthest driven in a Se7en (over 1100 miles one way)



Al & Marcy working the registration table



The event decal



A trailer with 7-7-7 decals









Don F & Bill P (Don's car, I think)



Folis & Evelyn E. Bruce and Nancy W.


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