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Does your spouse share your Sevengelism?

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Today my wife took an interest in my Rotus yesterday. :hurray: She actually sat in the driver's seat for the first time .. then asked for the steering wheel which I had to fetch from inside the house. She cannot reach the pedels without stretching her smaller body. But she did start the engine. Then she climbed over to the passenger seat .. and I got in and we went for a 10 miniute drive around the neighborhood. She did say, "Don't go too fast!" I kept reminding her that we were going 25 mph. :) She did say that the car is cute!


Previously she has said, "That's a good hobby for you."


How does your spouse share your enthusiasm for your Seven?




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My wife partially shares my enthusiasm for sevens. She is really a good sport about riding in the seven, never complains about the wind and noise. She has gone with me on a couple of 200 mile blats, and once on a 3 day, 600 mile trip through some real twisty roads.

She also rode with me on a NASA HPDE track day at Motorsports ranch in Texas, and she will NEVER do that again.

Some of the Tail of the Dragon made her a bit queasy in the stomach, but she didn't complain. She knows the "passengers secret", i.e., always look at the road where you are going, and don't look sideways at the scenery.


She doesn't drive it, so I am perfectly happy with giving her the rides. I'd say I was lucky that she approves of my hobby. I need a category that says, rides frequently, doesn't get scared if I don't drive over 80%.

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My wife has driven the car a couple of times and has stated that it is like a big go-cart. She has also said that she really dose not feel comfortable on the road with all the large vehicles mainly due to the sides being so low and the fact that it is loud and noisy and windy. She dose ride as a passenger and usually has a smile on her face when we get home, maybe that we are home but I tend to believe or want to believe that she likes the ride for what it is.

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My wife just tolerates it. My 17yr old daughter and 14yr old son think it is an embarament and don't like it at all even though their friends think it is cool. Russ

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She rarely goes with me, when she does its NOT SO FAST even if we are just driving slowly. She does brag about it much more than I do to freinds and family and says that perhaps we should also get a more useable car like one with a roof, vette ,69 camaro etc. Sounds like permission to me. longest trip with her 40 minutes, with son 2 hrs, sols 4hrs. Patrick

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Tough question...I think Laura vacillates between "Waste of time and money" (like yesterday, when I was out the whole day at an auto-x and came back and had to take a shower and defrost before being able to have a conversation) and "Shares my sevangelism enthusiasm".


I think the 777 meet pulled her more into the enthusiast camp. Mostly because she saw that "wow, my husband is involved with a good group of people and perhaps played a role in starting something good". She really enjoyed the "non-parade" and meeting everyone too.


My kids love the car. We'll see what happens when they become teenagers.

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My significant other is not ready to drive the se7en, but - wants to find an MGB and replace the leaking mechanicals and "Prince of Darkness" electricals with BMW under-pinnings. So I would have to place her between ....rides frequently "Let's go faster" (although stated as "your such a kid") and "Shares my se7angelism enthusiasm".

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My wife thinks that our car is very cute but is very "chuffed" about the fact that I undertook to build the car as a family project (along with my 2 adult boys).


Although I am happy to respond to this poll, I would like to point out that (at least for me) my interest in my Se7en can not be categorized as "SEVENGELISM".


This abrigation of the word evangelism leads one to believe that I am out to sell the world on SeVens.


ie Evangelism:

Pronunciation [i-van-juh-liz-uhm]


1. the preaching or promulgation of the gospel; the work of an evangelist.

2. evangelicalism.

3. missionary zeal, purpose, or activity.

(Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006)


I am not interested in converting others! This just happens to be my personal demented fetish and it's safer than ankles!

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Busa-Aren't you interested in coverting others to 'busas vs. car motors? :jester: -Al


As the former acting club president, I am very interested in converting people to Se7ens.

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I am not interested in converting the world the obvious merits of Bike Engined Cars.


All you CEC guys can go as slow as you like! :lol:


Salamud Ho! and Mal E Guy Ann Bag Une Ta Oon!


Canadian Engined Cars? :confused: :jester:

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I guess I'm blessed, although I knew that before I built the Stalker.


Not only did my wife help a little with the construction of the car, she loves driving in it.


She doesn't have any interest in actually taking the wheel, but just about any time I take the car out she's ready to go.


We've made a couple of backroad trips in the car and she's usually busy taking pictures of the road and surroundings. Already planning our next outing in September.


Adding the intercom unit has made the trips more enjoyable also, since we can share thoughts about the ride as we go.

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My wife really likes the car and suggest we take it whenever we get ready to go somewhere; out to eat, grocery (yes, I can pack groceries around her) or a drive in general. We have made several trips to TOTD prior to 7-7-7. We took it to LOG 25 in St. Louis in 2005. After getting back from 7-7-7 and the Stalker Ambush in Helen, GA, we made a 170 mile day trip jaunt to Brown County, Indiana the next weekend after getting home.


She does not drive the car because she claims that it has a serious design flaw...The drivers seat and pedals are fixed and do not move!! If they were adjustable, I know she would drive it.


She goes to many auto-x, cruise in and Lotus Ltd events with me and enjoys the friendships that we have made because of the car.


Life is good in Carmel, Indiana



2003 yellow Stalker V6

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