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USA7s meet in Monterey?

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Tom is at Jeff's in Colorado but doesn't have his laptop with him. I left him a voice mail to respond to your post on Jeff's computer.


I saw him on Tuesday and he said he was leaving for LA about August 2nd.

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Tom brought his Caterham ESL to the LOCO club meeting on Tuesday evening. It drew a crowd, people were standing out in the rain to look at the car and talk to Tom about it. It got far more attention than a new Evora parked a few cars away.


Gert, last I heard from Tom, he was planning to arrive midweek. I know he'll be there before Friday since we've already planned to hit Concorso Italiano that morning.


I'll probably roll into town early Thursday afternoon. When is everyone else arriving?




Hi Tom, assuming you have a chance to read this...


If you are still in LA on Tuesday night (8/10, that is...), let me know. After 2 weeks out abroad I am pretty sure I will need a quicky blat up Big Tujunga Canyon after work. Maybe you want to join?






Scannon alerted me to the fact that you had posted a mesage to me on the CA trip (I don't have my computer with me).


I am planning to meet my wife at our son's home in Santa Monica on Aug. 6, if I get all my pre-trip stuff done in Colorado. Otherwise, it may be a day later. (We have a one-week-old new grand-daughter in Santa Monica, our son's first child). I was planning to drive to the Moterey area on the 9th to attend the Carmel street concours the next day

(which has now been cancelled due to lack of a sponsor). I have a reservation at the Wiebe Motel in Hollister beginning, I believe, on the evening of the 9th (or it may be the 10th -- I'll have to check). So I was going to be in the Monterey area from the 10th on to the end of the Historics on the 14th.


John Christenson, Ed Hudson and I are planning to attend Concorso Italiano on the 9th in Monterey.


I would love to drive up from LA with you, if it fits your time schedule.


Tom, Concorso Italiano is the 13th ;)


BTW According to Autoweek, a scaled down version of the Carmel Concours is back on. Details here.






Congrats on the new granddaughter! Don't hesitate to post a photo of the her snuggled up in the passenger seat of the Se7en:). Sounds like it's going to be a memorable trip, for many reasons, all of them good.




All the folks who ordered tickets via the GGLC should have received them by now.


The GGLC will have its usual pre-event breakfast meetup on the Saturday the 14th. We'll meet starting at ~7:15 AM at the N. Salinas IHOP (1075 N. Davis Rd) so we can sit down for breakfast by ~7:30 and be back on the road into the track (via the Ft. Ord entrance) by 8:30.


Everyone is welcome and though we don't have to make formal reservations, but it would be great if you can post here so we will have an idea how many to expect.



I am still in Colorado, finishing up the Executive Superlight. I doubt I will leave for LA before Saturday the 7th. I will plan to be in LA from when I arrive through the 11th, then drive to the Monterey area late on the 12th. (I have a reservation at the Weibe Motel in Hollister for the weekend).


So I don't know if we can coordinate a drive from LA to the Monterey area, but I would like to. When are you planning to drive up?


Yes, The Concorso Italiano is on the 13th, Friday. My error...


My cell is 907-317-2600. Let's try to rendezvous. I would like to run across Sean McPartlan also, if it works out.



I would like to run across Sean McPartlan also, if it works out.


I must remember to not stand in front of your car! :)




I hope you at least get a chance to stand in front of my car next week....stationary, of course!



Posted (edited)

Hey Tom, that will be tight. I will leave Friday 13th (I don't believe in that supestitious crap and will just take a dead cat with me in the boot so that my car holds together). I suspect you want to take Hwy1 anyway and I will drive some obscure inland route, probably with TheDingo8MyBaby. I have done Hwy1 many times. Very nice but quite crowded and there are other nice roads.


I will give you a call Monday or Tuesday after I return from Europe if you are still up for a short local blat.



Edited by slomove



I am still at Jeff's in Greeley, CO. I have an oil leak that we will be investigating this morning. I hope it is not serious -- could put a crimp in my tight travel plans.


Otherwise, I am just about ready to launch.


I had hoped to arrive in the Monterey area before Friday the 13th (no dead black cat for me) because I have a ticket for the Concorso on Friday.




If it is a slow leak, just take a few gallons reserve oil :) My engine is drooling oil at high revs since I had the car.....


But seriously, I hope you can sort that out soon. I just arrived back home, a bit tired but will watch if and when you are in the area. If it does not work out, we'll just meet in Monterey!




If there is a group dinner of other social get together planned I missed the time and location. It would be fun to meet up with you guys this weekend...

If there is a group dinner of other social get together planned I missed the time and location. It would be fun to meet up with you guys this weekend...


The GGLC will have its usual pre-event breakfast meetup on the Saturday the 14th. We'll meet starting at ~7:15 AM at the N. Salinas IHOP (1075 N. Davis Rd) so we can sit down for breakfast by ~7:30 and be back on the road into the track (via the Ft. Ord entrance) by 8:30.


I'll be the Indian guy in the grey Elise

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