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R1 Seven

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Everything posted by R1 Seven

  1. Are you able to post a pic or two up here? It would be good to take a look at it. The 20V 4AGE is likely a low mileage import that is pretty popular with the Toyota kids. Most of them have individual throttle bodies and they are good solid motors. I would just look the car over well and check for good assembly and no major issues (like bolts rubbing tires, or binding suspension). Of course, drive it and make sure it feels right. I would ask the owner about the build process and get them to go thorugh thier particular build so you can understand what they were doing along the way. Another place of importance will be the suspension pick up points. If it is a "book" built car just look at those close for bending or weld cracks. If I think of anything else I will let you know. Good Luck!
  2. Really sorry to hear this. Glad to hear that Kevin is ok though. I was in close proximity to some jackassery at Summit Point just last month. Sad to say that on track, it is not if something will happen, but when. Everybody's number comes up at some point. That is why I prepped my car with the extra safety gear. I am sure you guys will get it all patched up and as good as new real soon. If you guys can change like six rear ends on the road...this should be cake. Good luck!
  3. The fuel lines go down the tunnel of course... Use good, strong fuel line...
  4. Us Locost guys have the advantage(?) of having a boxed in steel transmission tunnel. I actually added a few "loops" on mine to keep the driveshaft under control if something were to fail. http://www.project-seven.goof.com/images/DSCN2150.JPG
  5. Awww, shucks. I have crew covered for the day, so no worries there. There will be some other Sevens there that weekend as well. AFAIK - Folis and George (maybe Russ?) will be there with the Birkins. There will be some racing on Sat. and Sun. as well mixed in with the HPDE groups. If you guys show up...I am gonna be all nervous and stuff.
  6. Look in the upper left...next to the red car...
  7. I don't see Bob Drye's mega turbonium Locost either... Oh...and mine is wide in the hips, but slender in the middle...curvacious if you will.
  8. Being that I have never needed more than two gears (2nd is good to 70mph)...nope! Got plenty-o-gears. :reddevil:
  9. Holy big open course Batman! Looks like fun!
  10. The group shot is SWEET! Are we going to be able to get ahold of those?
  11. Well...I gues that next time the event will need to be a week long... I guess a "ride swap" time could be scheduled in as well.
  12. Al, I would love to get one of the large ones in Black...please. Thanks! :thumbs:
  13. FWIW - I calculated that my maximum speed for the driveshaft is somewhere around 6500 rpm.
  14. Wow! That is news to me...I guess that I need to go out and get an issue of it. Cool. Thanks for the heads up!
  15. What a great event! Sharlyn and I (and the dogs) had a great time for sure! It was really great to meet everyone (well at least several people...that is all we had time for). I just could not get over what a great group of people this was to be with. I mean we had all ages, and a plethora of different Sevens both old and new. Honestly I don't think that you could have figured out who owned which kind of car until they hopped in it and drove away. That was cool! I was telling Sharlyn on the way home that this was the only time that I regret not having a registered car. I would love to meet up with you guys for a weekend of drives and hanging out. It was great to be able to meet many folks that I have known for some time on the internet in person. There are lots of nice web based communities, but it is always good to meet face to face. I was also happy to see so many of my locost buddies show up as well. I think as many builders were there as there were folks with completed cars. The location was very beautiful and a perfect setting for a laid back weekend. It was a little tight for big trucks and trailers, but it seems like everyone managed just fine. Even though it was not driving in a Seven, I really enjoyed the roads and scenery in the area. The event was well organized, and for a first event, I think it went off very well. Hats off to EVERYONE who had a hand in organizing and executing the event! If we do this again, the major thing that I would change would be to make it longer. That weekend flew by really quick, and I felt like I never had enough time to look over all the cars and talk with everyone. The roundtable on Saturday night was fun too. Al asked me to be a part of that and I was a little hesitant at first. I am not a manufacturer, but he wanted the perspective of the home builder as well. There were quite a few folks in attendance that were in that category. That ended up being a fun exchange, and it was interesting to hear all the comments and perspectives from the various builders. They Sunday autocross was a blast for sure. The ETR-SCCA folks did a nice job setting up that event for us. The course was fun and well suited for our cars. If we could have gotten the oven turned down about 10 degrees, it would have been the perfect day. Nice to see that so many fast Sevens turned out for the event. Well, that is is for now. I am sure something else will pop in my mind at some point. Can't wait to do this again!
  16. OK, So I have updated my web site and have included a gallery of some of the better shots from 777. Locost Gallery 777 Here are a few teasers... http://www.project-seven.goof.com/images/DSC_0001s.jpg http://www.project-seven.goof.com/images/DSC_0006s.jpg http://www.project-seven.goof.com/images/DSC_0019s.jpg http://www.project-seven.goof.com/images/DSC_0016s.jpg http://www.project-seven.goof.com/images/DSC_0032s.jpg http://www.project-seven.goof.com/images/DSC_0029s.jpg What a great weekend!
  17. I have some pictures to post as well, but have to get them off of the camera still. I did have time to get my autocross video in useable form. Five of the six runs are included. The last run was shaping up pretty good until the cone carnage near the end. Man, I need to get an autocross tire setup... R1 Locost Autocross Video
  18. Sounds like you are about to have it all figured out...
  19. What are you capturing video with??? The recorder, I mean.
  20. Who is Kate?
  21. I am finding that 80 ft-lbs is plenty enough to keep the car moving...where is the flame thrower emoticon to use on Mr. flame suit wearer? :jester:
  22. Mazda, The track with all the concrete is the Shenendoah Circuit. The Jefferson is the little small track That you can't see from the road. Those lap times sound about right. I got no real times over the weekend (we usually don't time DEs anyways...) but my guestimate for lap times without balast in the right seat would be about 1:26-27 range. I am SO ready for slicks and that final drive change... :reddevil:
  23. At one point when I was trying to catch up with that red GT-1 Corvette, there was a big cloud of dust right before the bridge. From a distance it looked like someone could have been off and I backed off a little and left some room out there. When I got closer, nothing was there. People put a tire or two off the road there sometimes and it makes a cloud of dust. There was a car off in turn 1 (at the end of the long straight) about midway through that you can sort of see. My passenger points it out when we go by, but you can see the dust from the start/finish line.
  24. Guess I should have remembered to mention it to you...I will be back up there in the fall probably. One of our listers did show up on Saturday. Dermot (Busa powered Fury) dropped by for a little bit. Nice to meet you Dermot if you are reading this.
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