My Westy is Vaux turbo equiped,which am more than happy with performance and parts available for it,now in US,i quess the duratec is more popular and the parts are easier to get??
Thanks for your answer,i get hold of kumhos v70 in 235/13 from uk and the michelins,but i beileve that the US market will somewhere have sizes like that??
first attempt on strip engine has 0.45 on first and 2nd and 0.65 on the rest 3,on worn michelin radials,spin really hard on 1st even on glue and with 7psi on them, et 12:00¤t=MOV01191.mp4
no yellow yet,just the black color of the gas,i quess a longer track day as far as time might turn it yellow but the noise of the external,pay's back the body shop cost,i just cant have enough of it tbh.
Thatsmy first run on an old airport,and actuall first "run" as that day it was a "super special" of a loccal will hear the grind on the gear changes,cause the synchros on second and third need to be replaced,the vid is on 0.45 bar
Engine produce 275 at 0.45bar and 395 at 1.05 as its a "small" but not laggy turbo 2876 with smaller housing so its handy its all forged and on standalone ecu.
Hi there people,and am happy to be part of the USA7 community!!!:cheers:
wanted to share with you my Westfield as it was(and it never is ) complete almost a year back,has an OPEL/VAUXHALL/GM turbo engine.