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westy turbo

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Everything posted by westy turbo

  1. Gearboxman is the best choice if retaining your box and at a very good price, cant afford the sequential on darn it
  2. ??? http://www.cjponyparts.com/g-force-t-5-helical-cut-synchronized-gear-kit-1983-1993/p/TRK10/
  3. They look great!!!! orange and flat black if u like its awesome.
  4. Hi there :)

    was wondering how the good years perforf as am about to get a set for next year,

    Thanks Aris

  5. The T5 so far is really good to me as i had issues with the bm short shift,the one with the 2 adjusters,second and third were grinding,but not with the stock tower,might be the syncrhos though as it is a common one,was considering semi helical gear kit from gearboxman,but might "save" for an elite or quaife,
  6. At least for me thats new,never heard it before..
  7. I might go with them as ill sent them back soon,but 3way adjusting,wont be an easy thing to set up.
  8. SBD ordered them from tritek if am right,TTXseries are the top ones.the filling on them is awesome,not bouncing...feels like a normal car,that behaves as a race car on demand....
  9. Hey John,order went o ohlins as far as have them stock lengths but 2 defferent sets of springs in every corner that i choose.they had the data any way.even though i have them for months,they going back for some changes that iam thinking with my tuner to do as far as the rear mounting points,
  10. Thats my old dyno,have done few changes to the afr from then just to fix that slight drop that has and gained 10hp every where. http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o217/tigraturbo/DYNO.jpg Sleeved with DEI fire sleeve the clutch and the throttle cable,black addiction.... http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o217/tigraturbo/PC170437.jpg also got few sets of matt black mikalor hose clips that will be fitting soon http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o217/tigraturbo/KGrHqZlE1F6jsUnVBNYVkojr4Q_12.jpg
  11. Thats the one,soon the car gets in the shop for the cage,so ill try do that 2 i ll keep you guys posted. http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o217/tigraturbo/naca-75.jpg
  12. You did that restarted my brains lol
  13. Actually i should fit my carbon naca duct that ends on 60mm diameter,and feed air from there,or now that am thinking,custom make that 60mm pipe,and continue it,with carbon,into a scoop that has the shape off the hks filter and actually face it to the filter.
  14. Had to cut the top not vented ones into vented,so hopefully it gets some from there as it might be on "vacum"kinda say as it facing back....so might strugle a bit. http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o217/tigraturbo/WESTY/DSC_6264.jpg
  15. Hi Hank,prop i will change my ohlins to different spec,fit the cage thats allready in my hands,and get a sponsor for the tires as the michelins are really expensive,so only had the chance to run it on used ones . Sequential box and diff are late in the list like in year or two,
  16. Thats what i am getting tomorrow,the front splitter on the bottom, http://www.mickmadecomposites.co.uk/products.htm
  17. Hi there 7 community Just wanted to share my updated engine bay,some aluminum piping painting and finnaly a filter http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o217/tigraturbo/PB190357.jpg
  18. Got the old BELL gtx from OG racing and they fitted the hans anchors on it,also keep in mind that merlinmorsport in UK has the sport Hans at 299 GBP,unless you guys can find it cheaper,let me know as its in my winter list
  19. second bit on the wheels please if they dont sell
  20. Try to talk to wunnoff in uk,really satisfied with money,you choose the db,s
  21. Its a wunoff can,made for 97db,works really good for turbo aplication,and is a repack one too.
  22. No problem!!!!,my pleasure that u like it,was about to do it red,but the innocence of white got me.
  23. How many hp he had befor the extra 100hp now? This is a ET 12:00 with 7psi air,really worn michelins,and girly up shifts as had problem with my sifter,boost was at 0.65 bar. http://s121.photobucket.com/albums/o217/tigraturbo/?action=view&current=MOV01191.mp4
  24. got a set of 10" for the back as u saw on the other post,cause the tire is 24/ so wasnt as 9" spreding the tire right' http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o217/tigraturbo/P8220201.jpg also fitted my new ohlins a week back,didnt went for the 2 or 3 way adjusting as it was a fortune...the car transformed compare to the cheapest set of the self,the stock ones. http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o217/tigraturbo/P8200198.jpg http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o217/tigraturbo/P8200199.jpg
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