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westy turbo

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Everything posted by westy turbo

  1. I am wondering if any one has ever fitted one as i have too in order to race on a hill-climb run...
  2. Yeah got to be moderate on the pedal with ur new set up,is there any adpter for a better one? if am sure i remember for the T5 ??
  3. Great engine choice and car!!!! is it on T9 box?
  4. pmed
  5. always liquid are u on fb?
  6. Thanks man!!! need the white back though
  7. Thank u all guys! the Michelin a great tire and by the time they heat up,they are awesome! using 18psi cold,but on a slow track like the one on the pics, they don't have the time to heat up....either going on Hoosiers,or to Kumhos ecsta that i had them in the past and they perform fantastic!
  8. Just to share few pics with the new color,painter was feeling like lets change it a "bit" so couldn't resist the offer...its an aprilia bike Perl flat color which didn't think that i will like that much+ finally got racing plates so outside change to celebrate it :hurray:
  9. Sorry to hijack the thread,just to add an input on the front csr wings, the 22/53/13 seems that they fit nicely....
  10. few mm
  11. They are Compomotive crx 1310, the rears are 10 inch wide at ET-24 and 100mm back space, and 9 inch fronts are ET 0 as i had them originally ordered for rears,their backspace is 125mm.Hope it helps.
  12. Went to 87 lb injectors few months back as couldn't raise the boost more than 1.1 bar and had some really nice figures,no other changes except taking off the actual can and fit a straight kinda say pipe... http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o217/tigraturbo/10494265_10152522120436600_437144368_o_zps1b6455c1.jpg
  13. Am on 13'ns 10 inch rear and 9'ns...have to double check on offsets etc,but you're right...the rears having like 2 mm clearance from the A upright arm.
  14. Great engine there Give it a try on 13ns and see how u like it
  15. 2.3 Eco is already boosted if am correct,so no need for an up rate unless you want silly numbers,so stock turbo means no lag.
  16. Great looking car!!!
  17. Neat bracket there,but i wouldnt drill the chassis for it.
  18. Here is the westys dash.Love the stack above Mike [/url] http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o217/tigraturbo/IMG_3255.jpg
  19. True about the tire stack....as far as the grip was on michelin slicks, airline had huge amounts of dust that came up all the way from Africa, so 0.45 bar felt ok as i was my first run after 3.5 months with both forearm/wrist bones brocken....
  20. small autocross as you might call it,good chance to see how it was running with the 3.62 diff as it was with 3.92 , way better know as it puts down power for being longer ratio,
  21. Thanks!,its a pre ecotec c20xe 87' , filled in with turbo parts.
  22. Great news!,someone is lucky then
  23. I quess for some is a hobby,a need for more grunt,a show off,an upgrading maniac, a speed passion,a time attack fighter,or just knowing you now got more.... no probem with anyone that does one or all the above
  24. Outside of course the chassis on the intercooler and the radiator, am on LH drive and was tricky but made it..standalone ecu is the best option,unless Tom can do something else,rad can be an issue depends how high you going to shoot,preety sure you know the hp that your box can take I would built the engine to be bullet proof,use it with the less psi you can(0.4bar) and from there you can upgrade more on the box etc...or do it once....its up to you
  25. Pics and cars seen not properly done as far as setting it up in general, doesnt mean that on a seven, wide/narrow cant be done properly..... Its who and how good is on whats hes doin.. I can measure my rad/intercooler combo and see if its handy to try and see if it fits your layout.i quess you have check what ex/in manifolds available. Unless you any way go to the sc route.... totaly agree with 1turbofocus@
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