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Welcome Robert,




Fellow 7 owner in Ohio here. You will enjoy your 7 every time you drive it, every time you look at it, every time you work on it, and pretty much every time you even think about it!!




There are some great roads for 7-ing in SE Ohio so let me know when you fancy a spin and we can arrange something - i know there are a few other 7 owners in Ohio as well who may well want to join in.






(Powell, Ohio)






A good selection of photos. I imagine that 348 hp through the front wheels was a real handful -- or was the XR4ti four-wheel-drive? I can't recall.




My Escort Cosworth 4X4 was tuned by Eggenberger in Switzerland before I got it -- stroked to 2.3 litres, new engine management; showed 378 hp and 435 ft./lb. of torque on their dyno. It is currently down with a burst fuel line, though (I'm lucky it didn't catch fire!). The line is a bear to unfasten and fix, since the space in the engine compartment is so cramped.




Here is our website on the car -- though it needs updating:










XR4 was rear wheel drive. Later there was an XR4X4, and later still, a Cosworth 4X4 (which was my last Cossie in the UK - very fine motor).

  • 2 weeks later...

Thought this might need a bump to the top...welcome all new forum members. Please take a minutes to share a little bit about yourselves here.


OK. I just joined this forum a couple of days ago, specifically to learn more about the various 7 choices. I grew up with a series of oddball hot rods. A turbocharged 67 Camaro, turbocharged buick V6 in a 73 Vega burning LPG, etc... My last project car was a 73 Datsun 260Z with a 450HP 383 Chevy. Living in California I got tired of the hassles with smog and registration, and at the same time earned my private pilot license. That led to an infatuation with homebuilt airplanes. I started building my RV-4 in summer of 95. After on again off again construction I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I hope to fly it this spring.




So now I'm looking at my options for a next project. My daily driver for the past 15 years has been an MR2 Turbo. And frankly it is more fun to drive than any of my project cars were although all of them had more HP than this car. I've also ridden sport motorcycles all my life. My current ride is a Honda VTR1000. So I've learned to appreciate that nimbleness is far more important than pure HP. What I want in my next project car is something light and nimble, but still with a high power to weight ratio.




So what to build? My friend just finished an FFR Cobra. Nice car, but in a lot of respects its like the old hot rods - big, clunky, noisy, etc...




Two months ago I stumbled on the Ariel Atom. Thats it! Instant love affair. It is the coolest car I've ever seen. Unfortunately, you cant get it as a kit, it only comes factory built. This means its expensive, and in California hard to register because it technically cant be registered via SB100. And insurance is an issue as well (which brings a a question I need to ask, how much effort is insurance with a 7?). Anyway I figured I was so infatuated with an Atom I could deal with all of those issues. But in just the 2 months I've been reading about it, the manufacturer has jacked the price up twice for a total of 20%. That means that by the time its in my hands and registered I'll have about $60K in it. Thats twice what I have in my airplane. So I've reluctantly concluded that I wont ever own an Atom.




Which took me to other alternatives. I briefly considered a 550 replica. Good looking car, small and light, and Thunder Ranch, one of the manufacturers is about 10 miles from my house. Ultimately I couldnt get past the fact that its just a pretty VW.




I've seen a few 7 variants over the years. I've always liked the concept of small, light cars. The looks a quirky (some would say ugly) but I like it. A friend has a really tricked out Caterham that he runs at Pro Solo events. I found the WCM Ultralight on the web a couple of years ago and really admired it, but at the time I thought it was pretty pricey. The Atom has put that in perspective for me. I'd have to say that of all the 7 variants I've seen the Ultralight is the one that interests me the most. I dont care that it doesnt copy the original. I like the fact that it's a little roomier and from what I've seen of the engineering it looks to be almost as well designed as the Atom. In terms of performance I'm not sure its quite up to the Atom's level, but since I'm looking for a street driver, that isnt all that important. I really want something well executed from an engineering standpoint.




So that's where I am, considering my options. Whatever I decide on, it will probably happen this spring after my airplane leaves the garage and takes up residence at the airport. Meanwhile I will continue to look around. Anyone in SoCal who wouldnt mind showing off your car, drop me a line. I'd love to see it.




Should have mentioned, I'm in San Diego.


Thanks Mike! There have been so many new folks over the past few months, it's nice to know just a bit more about everyone. A handful of us on the East Coast have met up, and then there's the West Coast contingent (californiacaterhamclub.com) who meet somewhat regularly. We hope eventually to have a centrally located meet where the twain can meet (although we're getting plenty of signups for 7-7-7 from far and wide).




This site (which was set up by Mazda E., initially as a Rotus group, I think) has become a great hub with appeal to owners of all LSiS marques (except for the uber purists) and future owners alike. I think a lot of the folks from the various marque-specific forums as well as the usa@se7ens.net list come here — including quite a few manufacturers/distribs.




I'm pretty sure Brian Anderson of WCM is going to be at the 777 Event next July. A bit far for you, but then again, you'd be a lock (or a tie) for the longest drive prize!








Al Navarro2006-12-21 15:02:21



Al and Mazda: Should this thread be sticky? Can this be done?




Rob Mitchell





Done http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/cheers2.gif


Im Robert 26 Originally from Australia where i grew up.Moved to New York bout 3 years ago got married and here to stay. HVAC mechanic with a big interest in cars. Have a westfield Clubman in Australia which i built before coming here, was running but not complete. Has a 4AGZE in it which i plan on turboing but havent seen it in awhile. Buying a house in jersey soon so hopefully will get it shipped over to complete my toy. Found USA'7s though a australian site called OZCLUBBIES.COM


Found USA'7s though a australian site called OZCLUBBIES.COM








Looks like NY/NJ members have a new playmate http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/thumbsup.gif


I am a retired Engineering Design Manager having spent some 36 years with what I fear is about to become the defunct Ford Motor Company. After spending most of my career being involved in the build of many concept and prototype vehicles I found I couldn't go "Cold Turkey" so I decided to build a Rotus for myself and have been enjoying it for some 12 years now. More recently I built a replica of a Jaguar XJ13.(http://www.jag-lovers.org/snaps/snap_view.php3?id=1070075826) For pictures of my Rotus go to page 7 and see my 01/06/06 posting entitled "Photos of the Red Baron."


As a college freshman in 1967 I found the other gearheads on my dorm floor pretty quick. One was a guy from a northern Chicago suburb who mentioned the Lotus super 7 one day. Proving my ignorance I replied with a small town boys "what's that?". He proceeded to explain the kit car concept to me. About two years later I finally saw one entered in a Denver autocross. It stomped everything including the fast local 911s and a Ferrari Dino. I was duly impressed and made the mental note to get one some day. Truly a unique car!




Over the subsequent too many years whenever I saw one it rekindled the latent/dormant desire.




One friday afternoon in about 1987 I looked out my La Jolla office window to see three 7s parking across the street. The drivers emerged and dragged out their female talent and walked off, likely heading for a saloon. I spent about twenty minutes admiring the cars without ever seeing the owners again. I concluded that this would be a fun way to spend an automotive weekend. Still wondering, "Who were those guys?"




For many years my married brother raved about what Caterhams were doing to other sports cars in the UK mags. But, alas, it wasn't in his family budget. However, he did yeomans work in keeping the subject alive in my mind.




In early 2000 he was scheduled to visit me in CA. So, as a surprise I made an appointment for us to visit the Caterham dealer in Orange County that I had managed to locate in Hemmings. The car we drove was a DeDion with a base zetec. Plenty of fun and very vintage. It seemed expensive with impressive quality.




A few weeks later the dealer brought the car to a San Diego autocross. I met him there and also a couple of local 7 racers. One of those gents told me that he was going to dump his crossflow and replace it with a 700 mile zetec he'd bought from a wrecker for $800. This had the effect of deluding me into thinking that a car could be assembled for quite a bit less if one did not buy the motor at the "package price" offered by the distributors. Now I was actively dreaming...




About six months later the distributor offered kits with a $4000 discount, claiming a container load shipment would provide enough transport savings to cover him. I figured that a few more years might pass by before I got another chance at a discount on a new Caterham. And I was armed with the secret info about stuffing a barely used $800 zetec under the bonnet to get a modern 4 valve motor at a really low cost.




So, I bit on the deal and ordered a superlight R. The dealer assured me that my late July order could not possibly be consructed as a zetec kit in the UK before december. That morphed into september with an end of year US delivery date. When a guy has time to think about what he "really" wants, and the internet to find websites like the Lotus 7 Club of GB (blatchat, specifically), the perceived needs can change dramaticly. The blatchat guys gave me wonderful advice and I steadily learned about upgradeitis with things like Jenvey throttlebodies, Kent cams, headwork, Raceline dry sumps, ITG, six speed Caterhams trans, etc. Every couple of weeks I added another wish list item to my order, using the logic that it would be cheaper to do it that way from the build rather than later. And it only cost another grand or two each time, rather than a whopping and terminal total in one fell swoop!




By the time I got the car I realized that I never would have bought if I'd known the real cost. Fortunately, it was too late and I didn't have a wife to stop me! Upon arrival I began sweating out how I would ever get it registered in CA, without exposing myself to a possible prison sentence. Then, a CA state senator named Johanesson managed to get SB 100 by Gov. Gray Davis, after a few previous vetoes, which finally enabled the Sen to register his kit Cobra. It also made my 7 legal and I jumped through the necessary hoops lickety split! I still think this may have contributed to the ascent of Arnold...




Thank God I did this! I've met a great bunch of like minded lunatic fringe car


Welcome Robert.




A guy from the ozclubbies site contacted me a couple of years ago - he makes frequent biz trips to North Carolina. He came to stay for a weekend and we had a couple of blats in my 7. Now he's threatening to arrange a visit for July next year so he can pop over to the Tail of the Dragon do. Good man.




Fyi; I did the 'Outback Car Trek' in 2005 - Esperence to Alice Springs - huge fun. My old mate in Sydney (and fellow pom - do not mention the criket!) does it every year. I'm thinking of doing it again next year.






Hello, my name is Seth and I am a Car-o-holic.


(everyone in unison "Helloo Seth")


I'm from upstate NY, but currently live a 'cross border' life between Montreal and NY.


I am a Mechanic, or to be P.C. an Automotive Technician, started when I was 14 with an MGC barn find, 15 years later and I am still restoring and modifying MG's and anything else either British or old (in car terms I consider the 1980's to be 'old').


I was a die-hard Rally fanatic, I still love rally, but that year the SCCA cut off it's Rally program I got miffed and started building a GT series race car for somebody, that led to a love of road racing.


I saw my first Caterham (the real McCoy) ironically enough in Montreal when I was just a young tourist there. I can still see that 20 sec. video clip in my head: I was on the sidewalk, warm, perfect summer day and it was the sound that caught my attention- I am sure like most of you we only catch 50% of what our wives are saying to us, but put a great sounding motor a mile away and our head tilts, ears perk up and our only focus of that point on is to see where that symphony is coming from- anyway, In retrospect it must have been a carbed Ford x-flow, with barely any muffling- my eyes tryed to focus on it as it takes off from a light, but the car was back lit by the sun, it reflected off the polished aluminum body and I could just make out the yellow nose and fenders- a striking first impression!


That moment has carried me to where I am now- just finishing the first SR27 prototype with my limey business partner Len and Daniel Man (owner of Deman Motorsport).


Nice to meet you all and I look forward to our chats.












Brand new memeber here. I have been checking on this forum for a while and it is good to see it growing. It is also nice to see a place where all types of sevens are welcome and discussed. We all know who the originals are, but overall the individual groups are relatively small. Coming together like this is good for all seven enthusists IMO.




Since this thread is supposed to be about talking about oneself, I will give it a go. My name is Jeff Underwood. I am a Mechanical Engineer by trade and live in Roanoke, VA. Currently I am getting near completion of my seven project car. It is based on the Locost design and uses a fuel injected Yamaha R1 bike engine. It will not be street legal, as it's primary purpose will be for track driving, time trials, and autocross (on occasion). I started this build at the end of 2001. It is now a little over five years later and I am just now getting it done. The actual build should have taken more like two years, but life and priorities have a way of being a roadblock from time to time. Needless to say, I am pretty excited about driving this thing in the next couple of months. There is a link in my sig with my build diary if you are interested in the project.




A little more background on me...I have been a car nut for as long as I can remeber and have an appreciation for most all makes. I have been actively involved with autocrossing and track driving since 1998. Through the years I have shifted away from autocross and spend much more time doing track days and time trials. Currently I do in-car instruction with several clubs in the VA/NC area and consider VIR to be my home track.




Anyway, just thought I would say "hi" and say thanks again for providing a place where ALL seven lovers can come together and chat. If there is still "room" I hope to be able to attend the sevens event at TOD in July.




Take care,






Welcome! Mazda E. (slngsht) is the founder and admin of this site, and thanks to his efforts and those of countless others...word has spread to the various marque-specific communities.




Mazda brought a few of us together in person last June on VA's Skyline Drive and that mixed-marque group (2 Roti and 3 Cats) had such a blast (or should that be blat?). Glad to see you've picked up on the inclusive nature of the forum...there is a national marque-inclusive club in the works too. Stay posted.





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