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An answer to the question: Where the hell has Al Navarro been lately?

Al N.

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Hey everybody. Al Navarro here.


I am happy to report that I am still alive. And healthy. And still the owner of a boxful of parts that, when assembled, will look like a Series 2 Lotus Seven.


A few of my longtime friends and acquaintances reached out to me recently and their efforts made me realize even more acutely that I have dropped off the face of the Se7en universe over the past year.


I really have no legitimate excuse beside the usual “life gets in the way” stuff, multiplied by the fact that I’ve really cut down on all social media (besides Facebook) AND the fact that I don’t have a Se7en in the garage which I can post pix of, wax poetic about, and..uh, drive.


All that should change in August or September, however. The rear axle is nearly done and after that things should be pretty straightforward. I plan to be at LOG Gettysburg in October with the car.


I feel worse than terrible that I haven’t much of a factor on the forum over the past year, much less a good club president. For me, as the father of young kids and a small business owner, it’s been really tough to dedicate any energy to hobbies — much less a car club when you don’t have a car. My apologies. Good to see that the forum seems to have grown and maintained some momentum.


I’ll once again try to remedy my scarcity after I get back from a church mission trip next week. If anyone has any threads or info they think I should get caught up on right quick, just add it below. Or email me at al at mintadv dot com.




Al Navarro

President & Founding Member, USA7s


P.S. Gorgeous day in NJ for the Garden State Posse...sorry I missed it.

Edited by Al Navarro
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Good to hear from you Al, glad everything is ok! I look forward to seeing your car when it's done. Hopefully the restoration is being documented and will end up here and on SimpleSevens so we all can enjoy it! :)

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You never have to apologize on this site for nuthin! As your nearly 2K posts, founding father status, and massive efforts on the 50th anniv celebration at the Dragon show, you have paid your dues. And earned a lifetime exemption from guilt, at least of the Se7ens variety. So enjoy whatever makes you happy, here or elsewhere, your contributions will always be appreciated.



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Hey Al, hope all is well. If October rolls around and you are still in need of a seven experience, you can ride with us again at LOG again this year. :seeya: Hopefully you will be showing off your new ride. I hope You are not delaying the build by going to extra lengths to win the Concours event, are you? :smash:



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Tom-I still have a bottle of wine for you. Regarding the LOG concours...SB1341 will not be 100% original, more of a period-correct hotrod.


Martin-I have pix of various and sundry parts, but am waiting for the car to be together to post.


Bruce-John D has been such a resource during this process. Give my best to Nancy.


Mike-Aw shucks. Much appreciated.


Mazda- Only if I'm not a passenger! ;-P

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