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My 7 getting a mild makeover


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My car's spent a week at a friend's place getting custom front fender mounts fabricated. I love the results. Right now it's at a local vinyl shop getting some Caterham R500-inspired stripes put on.


If anyone's interested, he's got the dimensions figured out and can produce a decal set for you. PM me for pricing ;)





I'll take some more pics when it's out of the shop.

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Having just the stripe on the nose makes me ask "what did you get the nose off of?" or "where's the rest of the stripe?" It might look better having the stripe continue up the hood.


Having said that....


Having a green nose AND polished aluminum, AND a yellow stripe over both looks too busy to me.


But that's just my opinion - you have to do what you want to look at, not what other people want.

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Oyagi your car looks great with the new fenders and the stripes



Twobone dont do it you will ruin the look ofthe car, if you want a stripe you are going to need to paint the bonnet green also to make it match in.

Edited by KiwiBirkin
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The last picture looks best to me. I also like a color band around the intake.


+1 for the lipstick. I really love the way Kitcat's car looks. For cars with exposed aluminum the lipstick or yellow nose, green fenders are really the only multi colored schemes that looks good. It's too busy otherwise.


Back to the original discussion- the racing stripes really make your ar look agressive Oyagi's. Nice work.

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Haha, thanks for putting the thread back on track. :)


The best thing about vinyl striping is that its 100% reversible, so if I ever get tired I just heat with a gun and peel off! The picture showing the hood was before he trimmed the stripe off the hood emblem. It looks way better now. Too bad the car is at another shop getting suspension tweaks done (new bushings all around) or I'd have some sweet pics to show off.


My plans over winter is to paint the windshield, headlights and rollbar (after additional bracing added) black. I am really going for a R500 look. Next might e an engine swap in a years time when I get too tired of my whopping 100 hp ;)

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Since you're asking for opinions, and everyone else's including mine is wrong, leave the stripes for the tuner crowd and run the car plain.

But I guess that's because my car looks like:

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FWIW, and since you're asking for opinions, I've never cared for a single stripe down the center. I haven't seen anything I like better than a hood stripe with a nose band in a contrasting (complimentary) color on any Seven. I concur that a stripe over bare al. meeting a painted nosecone doesn't look very good but not necessarily "busy". I just don't think it'll look very good. But, do as you please as you only have to please yourself (true or not?). My Cat has stock yellow fenders and nosecone w/ semi-polished al. body and Jet-Hot side exhaust. This is my 3rd Seven, having had it built in '03 and have yet to add any striping at all, although am considering some tastefully done airbrushing by a local hot rod specialist. I might be looking to "enhance" the rather plain appearance, if there is any such thing in regards to a Seven. Best of luck with your decision!

With best regards,

Jim F.

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