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Harley 7?


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Looks like acceleration is lack luster. It was all he could do to spin the tire from a standstill. For that kind of money you can get alot more car for half the price. The chassis and suspension look well done. Give it 150 more hp then it might be something to talk about. A VW transaxle isnt known for its smooth shifting. IMHO

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Interesting suspension set up and tube chassis but your right about the drive train being lacking. Even a big twin just can't turn out the HP needed to stand out at that price, and no matter how light the car is made it's still a lot heavier than a cycle frame and wheels.

Anybody see the old V twin air cooled Morgan influence in this?

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Thanks for the Morgan link. Always loved those cars but they were just about as impractical as the 7's we drive now. I had a '59 for a short time in 1965 that I traded my 57 Chevy BelAir for. Had to dump it pretty quick as it had a Triumph engine in it that was better on gas than it was on oil and the brakes, top, defroster, electrics and just about everything else on the car were either gone or soon to go and the New England winter was closing in on me fast.

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