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MirrorsforSevens group buy - $95 each, 5 people needed

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See http://www.mirrorsforsevens.com for the product, a rearview mirror custom made for Seven-esque vehicles.


I have contacted Bob at http://www.mirrorsforsevens.com regarding a group buy. I am willing to receive the shipment and coordinate distribution to everyone else if we get 5 buyers.


Bob says:


"I can do group buys of 5 mirrors for $95.00 each. They would have to be shipped in bulk to one address in the lower 48 states. Shipping would be $20.00 UPS ground. I will need a two week lead time to get everything together as I'm a little low on stock at the moment.




I would like to get this started this week since I need a rearview mirror solution for my Locost.







Update to this post - edited by slngsht, per request from Bob:

There has been considerable interest in a group buy of discounted Mirrorsforsevens panoramic rear view mirrors.


I offered to bulk ship a minimum quantity of mirrors at a discount to a single address for local distribution.

Since most of the interested parties are spread about the country, this would still require repackaging and shipping to individual addresses.


I recognize that this is not a good way to implement a group buy, as it puts a single member of the group in the position of arranging collections, logistics, returns, and such.


I believe a club discount would be a more reasonable approach to satisfying the interest shown in this thread. I am offering a $15.00 discount for USA7S club members.


As it’s been the policy of the club to avoid commercialism in the general forum, there is a new thread in a more appropriate location.


Please login and find the thread:

"Mirrorsforsevens club member discount" in the "Club Matters" forum to peruse the details.


For those of you who are not paid club members, you can join here: http://usa7s.com/vb/payments.php




Darn, I already have one and I love it. Just make sure your windscreen aluminum is no more than 1/2" thick. If it is more you will have to file it down to 1/2". That is what I had to do. The brackets can't be bent to fit any other thickness. Russ


Best 95$ you'll spend on a seven. I love mine. I drove a friend's car-- same as mine in most respects. Boy did I miss that mirror!


Or you can order it already set up for RHD. That is what I did, Russ

Darn, I already have one and I love it. Just make sure your windscreen aluminum is no more than 1/2" thick. If it is more you will have to file it down to 1/2". That is what I had to do. The brackets can't be bent to fit any other thickness. Russ


Bob just told me about how you modified your frame. Mine is 5/8" (16mm). Any details on how you managed to make the mirror fit?

I would be interested.Can you ship to canada?


Yes, I can also inquire about having it shipped directly to you. The deal is $95 each plus $20 shipped to one address.


I'm interested but need to know what kind of timeframe you're aiming for?




I want it ASAP. Bob, the manufacturer says he'll need 2-3weeks to get the five total produced.

Can it be reversed for RHD cars?


Yes, you can order it already configured for RHD. It can also be reversed with little difficulty.

Mount works with top snaps?


Can you post a picture of the snaps and how they attach to the windshield frame?


Interested so far:


mca (me)

trough doctor (needs shipping to Canada)

wemtd (depends on timeframe)

aidanparte (needs RHD version)

Ruadhd2 (needs to fit with top snaps)


I'll contact Bob to get his input on these matters.




I'll take one configured for right hand drive please.


Ian in Savannah GA.

ianmacp777 * gmail * com


Not to be a terrible cheapskate, but these ate just about 10 percent off retail. Also wonder if forum members have found equally effective panoramic mirror solutions for significantly less money,


+1 for the mirror. It came w the car, but was planning on buying it. It works w/ full weather top, soft bits top and topless perfectly fine. I broke one of the clips holding the mirror to the windsheild and got a replacement for free. I was being stupid and leaned on the windsheild w my hand on the mirror.

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