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As my repair saga drags on (and on and on) w/little/no progress I am examining other race car options. It looks like SCDA has Spec Miatas for rent. That is quickly becoming my plan B for the ever increasing chance that my worthless mechanic will be working on excuses rather than repairs over the next 4 weeks.



Does it make sense to drop a junk yard Duratec into the Birkin using a good alternative mechanic to get her going and let your "worthless" mechanic faff around longer with the extra herbs Duratec version?

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He is finally moving so we shall see. I thot abt that, plus lots of other options including a new or used se7en. We shall see what finally transpires.

Posted (edited)

Attending/confirmed as of May 31st.


Yellowss7 Tom G. Caterham Superlight

Croc Mike J. Caterham CSR

Blubarisax Karl J. (fingers crossed) Caterham SV R 400++++

Kitcat Mike M. Caterham High spec racer/or birkin :jester:

Redgoose Ron Caterham R500

Jim (Not on this site, SV Caterham Roadsport)

BBall7754 Steve Caterham xflow

Ottocycle Dermot Fisher Fury Bike engine.

Sabbot Stuart Caterham xflow


Others expressing interest??? But not yet registered:


Michael D Michael

RacerLRP Robert

Jvbtte Jack


Scott Lentz

Anyone else????


May attend but not track Photo/video, Pit Humor

S1Steve Steve Superformance S1

Crewst Tim Superformance S1

Dave D Superformance S1

Len Clark, Caterham SV (not on this site)

Boxologist, Jon Caterham SV ( if the sun, the moon and the stars align)


OK guys, we are just about 4 weeks away from this event. A couple more signups and we will be at 10 or so cars on track and 3 or more in the paddock.


The Stig, Jvbtte, Scott, Michael D., RacerLRP Step on up and join the fun. Karl and Mike have gone to great lenghts to make sure they attend. Heck, Steve and Mike are driving in from St. Louis and Cincy to join in. And who knows, even Al and Mazda could drop in. :party: The more the merrier. Tom

Edited by yellowss7

I managed to clear my schedule for the 25th and 26th and registered so there will be one more xflow7 on the track. The BDA swap looks like a remote possibility at the moment due to a couple of weekends of work travel.

I was also looking forward to a blat around PA on the 9th but instead will have send a wave to Milford from ~20,000feet on my the way back to NJ from Seattle.


Great Stuart! That now makes 9 of us on track, 8 Caterhams and a Fisher Fury. Plus possibly several more in the paddock. Still waiting to hear from a few more. Michael D. since you're going to be there Sunday, you might as well stay.:seeya: Come on, you know the fun buzzing those vettes and the partying afterward is worth it. I'm sure your wife will let you do it. It's only once a year. :driving:


Still holding out hope for The Stig, Jvbtte, and Racerlrp. Michael, can you ping Scott L?




I had an accident in my tow car today. Now I need to find a rental SUV with a tow hitch or socket I can put my hitch into. Any suggestions?

Posted (edited)

Michael, try something like this. http://www.enterprise.com/car_rental/deeplinkmap.do?bid=1508&xparam=pickup-truck-rental


Just check to see if they have tow hitches. I think I checked this out once, before I bought my F150.


here is another one. https://www.hertzequip.com/herc/rental-equipment/trucks-&-trailers+pickup-trucks+3.4-ton



Edited by yellowss7
I had an accident in my tow car today. Now I need to find a rental SUV with a tow hitch or socket I can put my hitch into. Any suggestions?



Sorry to hear about your accident. Another option is Uhaul which rent airconfitioned pick ups with tow bars.


U-Haul has lots of tow vehicles, probly not cheap tho(:.


Or, just drive the se7en to the event like Croc does:)!


My insurance covers a SUV rental since I had an SUV. I have found a company that rents a Nissan Pathfinder with a 2" hitch. All I have to do is slide min in and off we go. I can get one as soon as they have one available.


Plus my Sevens misfire is fixed. It was the crank sensor again.


See you guys soon.


Scott has advised me that he wont be w/us this year. He is going to Hyperfest tho.


Three weeks to go.


I saw on the Noble/Rossion Forum that a coupla those cars are coming Monday 6/25. Always been a dream of mine to own one. They weigh under 2500 lbs, have 400 hp, kind of what I imagine Colin Chapman wld bld if still alive. Will be interesting to see how they match up w/the mighty se7ens gathered there.


Three weeks to go before this event. 8 caterhams and a Fisher Fury, are registered for the track days and hopefully 2 to 4 more 7's will attend and participate in the paddock pictures and dinner.


Still hoping to end up with 10 or more on track as we are still holding out hope on 2 or 3 more Caterham owners.:seeya: Get those work issues resolved and sign up.


Any others in the area that have a 7 or want to see what they are about, this is the place to be on Monday and Tuesday June 26 and 27.



Posted (edited)

Hi Michael - If you are looking for videos to refresh yourself on the layout here are my two early video efforts. First has both Thunderbolt and Lightning. The second shows just Thunderbolt. Both have slow @#$%*&^ cars holding me up and track data overlaid on the video. The second has 600 pounds of driver and passenger ballast - equivalent of Karl and myself going for a ride!





Edited by Croc

Hey Tom: I have had some nibbles on a Birkin site where I posted this event. Two Birkin drivers are toying w/coming. We shall see.

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