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keeping the lies straight is so hard.

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Far, far better than "We Have Proof of Weapons Of Mass Destruction". How many thousands of lives and billions of $ has that cost? Still costing? Just trying to put things in a little perspective.

This guy could literally stab someone in the oval office while Monica is under the table, and people are like "But Bush..."


I was not in favor of the Iraq war. I thought focus on Afghanistan is what was needed. But just in case you forget, this is the guy we were dealing with. http://tinyurl.com/lpysjxm.

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... and just to put things in perspective, what he has done with the IRS, with refusing to enforce laws, etc... is 10X worse for our republic than any war.


Actually, the refusal to enforce and weakening of laws regarding financial institutions and the IRS is what caused the worst economic crash in almost 100 years. This predates the current administration (baby Bush was working on the TARP before he left office.) Sorry for the reality check.


As for your statement "... 10X worse for our republic than any war ..." there are thousands of families whose husbands, sons, daughters, etc. died in those wars. They may disagree with you even more than I.

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Get a life guys...take this bs where it belongs.


Already done.

USA7s > Off Topic > Politics, Religion and Controversy >



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"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government can not pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that "the buck stops here." Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."



Welcome to Zimbabwe...

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BTW ow do yall like yer car?


Why all the fear and loathing over a hot button issue in the controversy section of the forum. Isn't that how we learn new views and maybe even moderate one's own opinion?


But to answer your question. Not sure yet. I've only owned my seven a few days and it's been cold and rainy here in Germany. Also having problems sorting the UK to EU headlights. May need the whole assy rather than the glass, as the EU glass doesn't fit in my UK buckets. So there goes 216 quid.

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Actually, the refusal to enforce and weakening of laws regarding financial institutions and the IRS is what caused the worst economic crash in almost 100 years. This predates the current administration (baby Bush was working on the TARP before he left office.) Sorry for the reality check.


As for your statement "... 10X worse for our republic than any war ..." there are thousands of families whose husbands, sons, daughters, etc. died in those wars. They may disagree with you even more than I.


Agreed, TARP was another load of crap. I just don't understand why anything this president does wrong is countered with "But Bush..." Did anything in the article or my post say something about Bush?


As for war casualties, 75% of Afghanistan casualties occurred in 5 years of Obama, compared to 7 prior years. Is he to blame? no. He is supposed to make decisions about that - it's his job. I don't necessarily agree with it, but that is in no way as bad as the other stuff going on.

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At one time in this country, one could agree to disagree. Unfortunately, public discourse has lost its' bladder control. The middle ground has turned into scorched earth. I guess it's hard to escape people how have not progressed beyond the school yard. Mandela presented an example on how to move forward in spite of what has gone before.

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Agreed coffee. I think that attitude even extends into a lot of folks personal relationships. Win an argument at all costs. Dig up bones from the past to throw in ones face.


Both Bush & Obama have had issues. To me, the most agregious one that Bush did was the patriot act & Tarp. As far as the WMD, Bush acted on faulty information from outside sources. Which happens to be a very simular situation to the ACA issue. I.E. Obama claims he didn't know people were going to lose their insurance. Yet his policy makers did. Obama acted on a deliberate act of omission.

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......As far as the WMD, Bush acted on faulty information from outside sources. .....

I think there is more similarity.


Bush/Cheney and their merry band REALLY WANTED this information to be true. I would not be surprised if they had some hints or evidence to the contrary and wiped it away. Most everybody who publicly doubted it was painted as unpatriotic (yay, convert French Fries to Freedom Fries). I remember exactly sitting in the cafeteria with my boss and discussing the pressure to go to war back then and what an embarrassment it would be if the WMD story was a fluke. Guess what, it was a fluke and nobody was embarrassed. After all, they killed the big bad guy and "liberated" the Iraquis.


Now Obama REALLY WANTED his signature law to get through and while technically correct he just wiped away the fact that insurance companies can pretty much cancel at will, especially if rules change and that the promise of keeping policies that were around in 2010 was kind of useless and misleading. So, he is at least publicly embarrassed, not sure if he means it. But I appreciate he did not kill 4000 service personnel and I don't know how many civilians in the process.


Old German saying: If you use the planer you will get shavings (doesn't sound as well in English, though).


As for disappointment about Obama...I still want to like him but mainly because I find the alternatives extremely despicable. The whole expansion of the Patriot Act and the aggressive government snooping as well as the really broken promise of government transparency makes my hair stand up.


I guess I have to run for President myself. :hurray: There is nobody out there who represents my views (kind of libservative). Oh well, I was not born here so forget it.

Edited by slomove
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Never found an advantage to hateing anyone - it just doesn't buy me anything and wastes my time. Anytime ANY politician gets ANYTHING changed, some people get helped and some get hurt, and it takes 10 years, at least, before dust settles and it becomes possible to see what the actual value of an action was. My reference point is Harry Truman. There was damn near hysteria when he got elected. England's prime minister said publicly that with Truman's election he feard democracy in the U.S. was doomed. When the historians looked at the results their conclusion was that Truman's actions were of great benefit to the United States.

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Never found an advantage to hateing anyone - it just doesn't buy me anything and wastes my time. Anytime ANY politician gets ANYTHING changed, some people get helped and some get hurt, and it takes 10 years, at least, before dust settles and it becomes possible to see what the actual value of an action was. My reference point is Harry Truman. There was damn near hysteria when he got elected. England's prime minister said publicly that with Truman's election he feard democracy in the U.S. was doomed. When the historians looked at the results their conclusion was that Truman's actions were of great benefit to the United States.


Trouble is. We were never a true democracy anyway. But. What little freedom we have left is very quickly being eroded away. And it's really our fault as voters. The faulty aspect I refer to has taken place over the course of decades. It started when we allowed the gov. to set up the Federal reserve. It continued with Social Security, Although partially successful. It set the precedent of ceding rights and responsibilities over to the government that was & is the responsibility of the individual.


Of course being run by people, The more power one gives a faceless government politician the more power they will want. It's human nature. We the voters did this because we really wanted to believe that they had our best interest at heart. Which they didn't. But of course it has been going on for so long that the horse has left the barn and may be lost. As to fix this whole thing will be very, very painful indeed. But as most will not want to endure any hardships to get the cart righted. We will in fact just keep on doing what we are doing. Which is voting for the one whom promises the most free stuff. The fact that our free stuff is taken from others to be given to us doesn't seem to bother us very much. Yet we have an apoplectic fit should we be required by the government to give something up. We always say take from the rich and give to the poor. Problem then becomes, Define rich. No matter who you ask, They will always quote a figure above what they have as being rich.

Edited by bigdog
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