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With the season starting up soon, I hope to try out my latest find....Bose sound deadening ear buds.


I have been using every possible permutation of earplugs over the last 2 years to make long distance touring more comfortable. I find I have ringing ears that lasts for days after a full day or multi-day tour.


I recently picked up a set of Bose sound cancelling ear buds and they work amazing at reducing loud droning noises, while still allowing me to hear sirens and other critical sounds.


Of course, if they turn out to be too strong and it seems like I am endangering myself or others, I will go back to ear plugs.


For folks who struggle with ringing ears I thought I would share my idea.


In terms of local legality:


The Ontario Highway Traffic Act doesn’t specifically prohibit the use of headphones while driving, but it does require motorists to pull over for approaching police, fire and ambulance vehicles.


If you are interested - check your local jurisdiction:




My longest trek so far has been 4.5 hours and I did not find the noise uncomfortable, maybe because my exhaust exits at the rear rather than the side or I'm already loosing my hearing.

But I must admit I do prefer my cold weather driving when I wear my sheepskin lined, leather flyers helmet. That's because all I can hear is a subdued but clean note of the exhaust. Then the first time we get good weather and I drive with a naked head it sounds like a bucket of bolts as I get to hear all the squeaks, rattles and clunks!



I used to use Etymotics ER20s but found that long usage (2 hrs plus) especially under a helmet was hurting. Moved to a pair of custom moulded plugs (~$70) for the last 3 years and find them much more comfortable.


I bought some custom molded earplugs when riding the sportbike but as soon as I put the helmet on they'd lose the seal. Kept them and wore them with the 7 but found they weren't better than a good set of disposables... don't think they went into the ear canal enough.

I think you guys have the wrong approach. This is how I solved the noise problem;:jester:


Unfortunately some of us aren't wealthy enough to have a collection. So we unwashed commoners have to be careful of the poison we pick & have to compromise.


Of course this is said without any malice aforethought. :)

Never mind the noise issue, I want a leather helmet like AndyB's! :D


Search e-bay "Leather Aviators Helmet" ;)

Or, you could try...




I also use silicone putty earplugs. They (I think) are better than foam type.

I've got a couple new helmets but do not find them as warm. Mine is Russian from the early 80's and I figured if it kept a comrade warm in a MIG at 20,000 feet it would keep me warm in a Seven at ground level and it does:)

It has mic and headphone cables and a buddy in the audio game has offered to update the phones and change the cable to fit an iPod but my Seven is music enough:driving:

I've got a couple new helmets but do not find them as warm. Mine is Russian from the early 80's and I figured if it kept a comrade warm in a MIG at 20,000 feet it would keep me warm in a Seven at ground level and it does:)

It has mic and headphone cables and a buddy in the audio game has offered to update the phones and change the cable to fit an iPod but my Seven is music enough:driving:


True enough, what I got from them is good enough for sunny and dry, which is what I prefer. When it's cold and wet I drive something more boring. Winter only visits GA, it doesn't stay that long. :cheers:

Posted (edited)

Good Lord, Russian Mig helmets with iPod upgrades and silicone putty ear plugs . . . . I wonder if Silly Putty would get the job done?


And Klasik, there you go again with that Porsche . . . . Getting yourself thrown back under the bus.


Dasvidaniya! :D

Edited by xcarguy
silicone putty ear plugs . . . . I wonder if Silly Putty would get the job done?



The silicone putty is to keep the silly putty between the ears :willy_nilly:


I find the putty or roll up foam ones always come loose and so use one of these, It goes around the back of your head , not over top.



Cheap and i leave it hung over the gear lever. Easy to put on one handed when turning onto a freeway etc. Low speed i dont use it at all.

I also find its the wind that is the problem more than the exhaust.

There is also the Peltor ear muffs that are worth looking at. If i was doing a big trip thats what i would buy. Not into helmets on the road.

Unfortunately some of us aren't wealthy enough to have a collection. So we unwashed commoners have to be careful of the poison we pick & have to compromise.


Of course this is said without any malice aforethought. :)



Well I think you're jumping to conclusions. Notice the 996TT is hardly new. It's a 2004 model which I picked up at a real bargain, or else, it wouldn't be in my garage. This is a poor man's Porsche. I don't have any idea who can afford to buy a new one, never have met anyone yet who did buy a new one. Even the base line Boxster is nearly Z06 price.


By the way, the Caterham R300 superlight new is hardly a bargain either at around $48K with powertrain. I paid a whole lot less for my 04 Porsche, but then again I paid a whole lot less for my R300 too. I'm a bargain hunter.


As to the noise, I do have one advantage. I wear double hearing aids and that allows me to just turn them off..............and it's amazing how quiet things get. The car, the muffler, the wife:jester:

I wear double hearing aids and that allows me to just turn them off..............and it's amazing how quiet things get. The car, the muffler, the wife:jester:


:smilielol5:!!! . . . Too funny!

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