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Was just driving home from dinner on a beautiful day, stopped at a light. A 50ish guy in a pickup next to us asked the usual questions we all get on a regular basis. He then looked over one more time and said "does it come with the cute lady in the passenger seat?". I cannot over estimate how happy that made my wife.


So, what have been your favorite comments or questions that people have asked?


I think I'm doing a public service when driving my 7. It's great to see people smile, thumbs up and pictures taken. The best one was a kid riding a bike and his jaw dropped! I hope he is a future 7 owner.


I owned my Westfield for about 15 years and my wife will never "ever" ride with me in the 7.

She never sit in the passenger seat....not a single time.

She said it's unsafe car......so, she let me die alone & no beautiful woman.


Driving back roads with a bunch of exotics behind me. Came around a curve and a young boy said "WOW, look at that!!!" I went by and have no idea what he must have said or thought when all the cars passed him.


My wife won't let me go out in the car out without her, this has its advantages as she ends up doing all the yakking with bystanders, allows me to actually get gas in the tank at gas stations and such, waves at all the people photo taking, etc .

It is like having my own PR person.




My wife loves coming on rides, she says it makes her feel glamorous with all the people waving and taking pics. :)

Stangest comment was from a teenager while gasing up: "Wow, that is sooo ghetto!!"


We were leaving Out Back, just getting into the car when this guy pulls up behind us in his big new pickup. He leaned out and yelled "did Obama buy you that car?" My wife who is very quick responded ..Fu*k no i'm a Republican. The guy drove off.....still don't have a clue what that was all about.

We were leaving Out Back, just getting into the car when this guy pulls up behind us in his big new pickup. He leaned out and yelled "did Obama buy you that car?" My wife who is very quick responded ..Fu*k no i'm a Republican. The guy drove off.....still don't have a clue what that was all about.


Any analysis may cause this thread to be moved to the Politics & Religion section.

  • 4 weeks later...

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